View Full Version : flooding

20-07-07, 15:45
This is going to sound really silly but im really anxious, we're had really bad flooding today.
I went to go out my road and its totally blocked you cant go out or get in! Im at home safe and well but my mum works on the other side of town and is either going to have to walk home (very long way) or sit in hours of traffic, as soon as I found out I panicked. Im ok by myself normally but knowing she cant get to me is freaking me out abit. Im trying to stay relaxed but its hard.
Just had to write down how I was feeling.
J x

20-07-07, 16:42
I'm sure she'll be home soon lovie - meanwhile treat this as a little practice session for staying calm. Lots of slow breathing, blowing the out breath out slowly and calmly!!

Love Piglet :flowers: