View Full Version : I have become so fearful - help please

11-05-18, 19:32
Over the last 6 years I have struggled with some difficult/challenging things - losing a long term partner ( not being able to have children) - major op and having to move home and get used to/adapt to living alone...I have tried to cope with dreadful episodes of debilitating anxiety...Now I have become worried silly about how much time I have spent on my laptop, I naively have never given it much thought before - but I have spent a good 5 days a week using it for long periods, looking, searching, reading etc etc...Worried my self silly re health re eyes etc etc - the thoughts/worries fears are overwhelming me

11-05-18, 20:04
You posted about something similar in an earlier thread. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=217083) Is this about the same fear?

Positive thoughts

11-05-18, 20:18
Are you fearful of the 'danger' of the laptop? (as before) or recognising that you are spending far too long actually researching and reading on illnesses ?

11-05-18, 20:25
I have become fearful that I have overused my laptop - and possible health implications - I have not used it to look up/research illness ...
I am having awful anxiety/panic attacks

11-05-18, 20:39
Have you looked into professional help with your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

11-05-18, 20:47
I have - but other than medication which I dont like to take, nothing seems to stop/take away fears..... I do not know if I am being irrational/blowing things up in my mind - or if my fears/concerns are a real threat to me physically

11-05-18, 20:54
I do not know if I am being irrational/blowing things up in my mind - or if my fears/concerns are a real threat to me physically (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1791953)

Everyone in the world, well a high proportion uses them....some people all day and every day. People have used them now for decades. If there was anything to fear then most of the population, particularly the older ones would be showing signs of 'something'.

11-05-18, 21:01
I guess that to some people I may sound mad - but the fears/threat all seems/feels very real to me ..I did not grow up with technology - its created an anxiety that I did not have ...

Thank you for your replies

11-05-18, 21:04
Again, this was discussed on your earlier thread. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=217083) As I said in your previous thread, you're definitely being irrational. Offering reassurance for something that doesn't need any is an exercise in futility.

Let me ask you a question. If you had a physical illness and needed medication to feel better, you would take it right? The same logic applies to medication for mental illness. It makes total sense that if it helped you before, it would help you again.

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