View Full Version : Jaw pain caused a HA relapse

12-05-18, 19:48
Hey guys. I am GAD diagnosed and have suffered from HA for the last 3 years, but before my latest relapse I had about a year of positive vibes and good living. It's cruel that I know how great life can be when my anxiety is tamped down, but I must suffer through this. I'm sure you can all relate.

About 2 months ago I was enjoying a hamburger and a beer when I had a sudden pain in my jaw, right in front of my ear on both sides. It was like a bad muscle cramp. I tried to keep myself from Googling, but you know how that goes. I had myself believing that it was lymphoma (pain after drinking alcohol is apparently a symptom) and within 5 minutes and I spiraled. A few days later I developed a different, weird sensation in the same area with the first bite of anything that I ate, something that persists to this day. From then it was daily panic attacks for the next month. I actually passed out at work from an anxiety attack (mortifying). I also developed dry mouth around this time.

So about a month ago I went to the doctor. For the jaw pain, yes, but primarily for my anxiety. I was put on Lexapro and was examined by my GP, who had the patience of a saint. She did a full battery of blood tests and ruled out everything I was worried about: blood cancer, diabetes, thyroid issues, the works. She said none of my nodes are swollen, spleen felt fine, and that it was important for me to trust her expertise. My blood pressure was 150/115, which is a new manifestation of my anxiety. She said my jaw muscles felt very tense and that I was likely clenching. The parotid glands are located in the muscles, causing the sensation when I first take a bite. I listened and left.

I've been on the Lexapro for 3 weeks and feel much better! I don't have any more panic attacks. Whereas they used to be 0-100 in about 5 minutes, I can now feel them coming and when I can't rationalize my way out of them I have Ativan to abort them. I just have this persisting jaw pain that now crops up not only when I'm eating but also when I'm drinking anything that's not water or coffee. Sometimes I get randon pains under my back teeth on both sides. I've slept with a bite guard since the doctors visit but it is not helping. Can anyone else give me some perspective on this? Does anyone else have this jaw pain issue from clenching/grinding? It is only there the first couple of bites and then goes. It is a weird tightening seemingly in the jaw muscles, just short of painful. Sometimes my jaw also gets noticeable fatigued while chewing also, lending credence to the grinding theory. I am really trying to convince myself that it's nothing serious. Anxiety brain wants to tell me I have some kind of neurodegenerative issue... My tinnitus has also gotten really bad and I constantly have ear pressure/popping when I yawn.

Positive vibes and thanks for reading!

Edit: I also saw a dentist recently and everything looked cherry. He said my wisdom teeth are grown in perfectly, I just have some very minor cavities developing but that wouldn't cause the muscular/glandular pain I described.