View Full Version : Head rushes.

20-07-07, 17:40
I'm getting a bit worried because quite often when I stand up I am getting head rushes/weakness, they go quickly but I'm just getting fed up and worried about it. Sometimes they happen randomly too, any ideas? Really need some advice. I don't want to bug my doctor over nothing but do you think it'd be worth checking?

20-07-07, 17:43
Hey there. I get those too. Sometimes I also feel a sensation like I am blacking out... Everything gets dark for a second. I think it is very common with anxiety. Also, it could be because of low blood pressure... But do not worry about that, because I went to my doctor once because my blood pressure was really low, and they just are not at all concerned about low blood pressure. He said he has patients who really actually do pass out from standing up, and even them he is not concerned about, because low blood pressure just is not dangerous. Anyway... just wanted to let you know that I also get that, and I do notice I get it more often when anxious.

20-07-07, 17:51
Yeah, I notice it more when I'm thinking about it/jump up really fast.

I don't know, I think I'll wait and see if it passes and maybe go to the doctors if it doesn't. Just a bit worried about it now and I've been doing well recently. :huh:

20-07-07, 18:24

Make sure you get up slowly and don't jump up.

Have a look at this thread and under the HEAD section for all other posts.


02-08-07, 07:23
Yeah dont you just hate those? I get them at the most unsual times..watching tv.. sometimes in the car and sometimes just doing nothing.I hate them..scares me to death but had them about oh... 20 years but not so much .. sometimes more sometimes less.. Hope this helps ?