View Full Version : Eye still twitching after a year - what woul you do?

13-05-18, 02:59
Hi Guys!
so you may remember last year I posted about an ongoing eye twitch, well they are still twitching!
My left eye upper lid and my right eye lower lid.
Some days it goes away completely and I'll forget about it but it always comes back.
I'm starting to get really fed up.
I've seen an ophthalmologist, a neuro and a doctor ( sounds like the start of a bad joke) - all have said, 'it will stop, it's nothing' - well it bloody hasn't!
What would you guys do - just grin and bear it or demand more tests??

13-05-18, 03:21
Try a good CBD oil. My eye was twitching for 2 months straight but stopped a day or 2 after i started taking CBD oil (apparently it's good for tics).

Absolutely no point for further tests tbh.

13-05-18, 03:25
There is no sinister pathology regarding twitches. Whatever the cause is, it wont kill you do you may as well continue to be a portrayer of punctual suffering

13-05-18, 06:06
I have had eye twitching, mine is caused my stress and anxiety. As soon as that goes away my eye stops. Do you have anxiety?

13-05-18, 07:52
Ignore it. I wish I could show u a vid of my calves . I think it would make you feel better about your eye. Atm my stomach is twitching like crazy. Feels so weird kinda like losing your stomach and it's very active like once every 5 seconds lol. Guess what I'm you g to ignore it like I'm ignoring my calves. If I can do it so can you! :yesyes:

13-05-18, 08:16
Yes, I'd put up with it, and have done and DO. I've said before I've had the same for a year non-stop...and my eyes generally do it most weeks in one place or another. Its literally nothing, as others have said. You've seen three people who have told you its benign and nowt, three skilled professionals. What other tests do you want that are necessary? You have nothing wrong with you. People who have serious illnesses would love to just have a twitching eye muscle to worry about. Like the poster above I have it over my body (actually part of menopause changes) and it can go in my major muscle groups, stomach, legs, hands, bottom....anywhere at all...and it does this whilst resting non-stop switching locations. I can ignore that, so you can surely deal with a little eye twitching. If it is really that bad then you can apparently have botox injections into the eye muscles to attempt to stop it - ask about that - but don't ask for other tests!

Also....this thread of yours....


You made a comment at the start about people not replying to you, people replied, and you never came back to comment anyway?

13-05-18, 08:54
Thanks Carey, I just posted on that thread, I do always try to make sure I respond, but you're right to hit me up about that one as I actually distracted myself to the point of forgetting and then I forgot that it went to a different thread post not Health Anxiety.
Thanks guys, it helps to know others get the twitching for this long, I messaged my Dr today and his response was ' wheck - that's crazy it's still going!' - but he couldn't help me - so it's nice to hear from others.
Seriously I'm just having the worst time with HA at the moment, irritable bladder, IBS and GERD all at the same time and the twitching is flaring again, when it rains it pours.
Positive note, I'm not googling!!! ;) x

---------- Post added at 07:54 ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 ----------

The main issue Carey is that I work in TV - in front of the camera, so if my eye is twitching then it isn't good for my job, so that's why I notice it way more... I might go the botox route ... quite like an excuse to have to have botox anyway!

13-05-18, 09:10
Yeah, if it causes problems then consider it....mind the botox apparently only works for a few months...but then that might give the muscles a rest/reset and then they stop for good.I've not had botox in any part of me so don't know anything much about it, but would recommend finding out from your GP about who could give such a delicate and skilled injection to the eye muscles, as obviously this isn't just a case of a cosmetic surgeon going it - this is the reason that botox was first used actually for issues like this.

13-05-18, 09:40
yeah the neurologist said I should go to an ophthalmologist to get the botox, so might see if that works.... I think you're' right, it might help calm the nerves and reset them to normal!

13-05-18, 09:59
yeah the neurologist said I should go to an ophthalmologist to get the botox, so might see if that works.... I think you're' right, it might help calm the nerves and reset them to normal!

Try cbd oil before botox. It works wonders.

13-05-18, 10:35
I don't know if i can get CBD oil in NZ? Will check x

---------- Post added at 09:35 ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 ----------

NO, I just checked - you can't buy it here :(

20-05-18, 12:37
Tan with due respect it's not life threatning etc your job is probably the main cause of it, being in front of camera's all day Personally I wouldn't entertain botox treatment either :)
our bodies often have little quirks here and there, I have titinus have done for years it can be annoying at times, but you learn to live with it HTH ATB