View Full Version : Waiting biopsy results anxious

13-05-18, 09:16
Hi all, so I had a Hysteroscopy on the 2nd of May 10.00 in the morning, due to some spotting i had been having for 2 months, gynocologist said my uterus looked pink, healthy and there was no areas of concern, just that I had a small submucosal fibroid which is probably the cause of the bleeding, he took a biopsy for extra reassurance and after said I wouldn't need to see him again, I came out of there feeling really relieved but now the doubt has started to set in again, I'm so anxious waiting for the post every morning, my phone hasn't left my side for 11 days, I can't relax, they said I would receive the results within 2 weeks, well tomorrow is day 12, would I have heard by now if anything was wrong? Hopefully someone can offer some words of reassurance, everyone around me thinks I'm being totally irrational, hopefully I am, I hate my ha, it's ruining my life, I have got some therapy lined up soon, so hopefully this will help,

Many thanks

Herbie xxx

13-05-18, 12:04
Hi Herbie

I would think you would have heard something if it was serious, I been waiting for test results for scans, samples and had to chase it up, because one was lost so had to re-do it.

13-05-18, 12:19
I Don't think I know you would have been contacted with out any doubt if it the results were bad, No news is good news Herbie ;) ATB

13-05-18, 13:17
Thank you, in my logic mind I know you are right, but my irrational ha brain tells me different, my husband seems to think after seeing the gynocologist and him saying all was fine that's an all clear in its self he can't understand why I'm still fretting xxx

13-05-18, 13:41
Thank you, in my logic mind I know you are right, but my irrational ha brain tells me different, my husband seems to think after seeing the gynocologist and him saying all was fine that's an all clear in its self he can't understand why I'm still fretting xxx It's np :) you need to find a way to say to your irrational part of your brain this is so stupid it cant be right and try and dismiss these thoughts :yesyes: Sadly those who either don't have the condition or understand the workings of the condition will never understand, but we do ATB

13-05-18, 19:45
I know I'm being dramatic but I'm dreading the post tomorrow, I need to calm down, I actually feel sick to the stomach, how do other people cope, I feel really selfish how I'm acting, but I really can't help it, I just need to post, hoping it will make me feel better, I'm also sick of alcohol, been drinking every evening for two weeks, I've probably damaged my liver, I'm usually such a health freak, I want this over with, but at the same time I don't want the results, you all must think I'm such a weirdo, what can I do to get over this xxxx

13-05-18, 20:21
I know I'm being dramatic but I'm dreading the post tomorrow, I need to calm down, I actually feel sick to the stomach, how do other people cope, I feel really selfish how I'm acting, but I really can't help it, I just need to post, hoping it will make me feel better, I'm also sick of alcohol, been drinking every evening for two weeks, I've probably damaged my liver, I'm usually such a health freak, I want this over with, but at the same time I don't want the results, you all must think I'm such a weirdo, what can I do to get over this xxxx woah slow down You aren't being dramatic and yes you do need to try and clam your self down, Hey you aren't being selfish either so don't think that. TBH I don't normally give out too much reassurance as I know this feeds the dragon so to speak. but come on 2 weeks of drinking is not going to harm your liver in any way it's a cool organ that can repair its self. so no damage has been done and you will be fine. but you need to knock this drinking on the head A.S.A.P you don't want it taking hold of your life! No you aren't a weirdo. Well you are going to have to get the results then you can relax get ready for I told ya so you will be fine. put some relaxing music on and drift away. ATB

14-05-18, 12:19
Just popped home to let dog out for a wee, and still no letter, now I have to go back to work and I'm getting really feed up, the wait is exhausting xxx

14-05-18, 12:33
Just popped home to let dog out for a wee, and still no letter, now I have to go back to work and I'm getting really feed up, the wait is exhausting xxx Hi what dog do you have? Taking him/her out for a walk can really help to distract you!! How long have you been waiting? Remember No news is good news :) ATB

14-05-18, 16:18
I have a springer x lab called Bailey, she beautiful, I've been waiting 13 days now, they did say I should receive my results in 2 weeks but said they needed to prioritise the more urgent ones , and to be fair the gynocologist did say everything looked normal and I wouldn't need to see him again, if someone else had written this I probably would think why are you still worried then, my husband seems to think I got the all clear on the day, but my ha still holds on to what if, damn health anxiety xxx

14-05-18, 18:26
Believe me, no news is good news, herbie.

14-05-18, 19:39
Yeah I know, but with health anxiety, everything seems distorted, unbelievably since having all the test, the symptoms I went with have totally stopped, I wish I could get what the gynocologist said into my stupid brain, I'm sure any normal person would be getting on with there life right now and not dwelling on waiting for the results to arrive, and still thinking they had a terrible illness.


15-05-18, 18:47
Still no letter, it's 2 weeks tomorrow, I really need to draw a line under this, I can't put my life on hold for much longer xxx

15-05-18, 19:28
Still no letter, it's 2 weeks tomorrow, I really need to draw a line under this, I can't put my life on hold for much longer xxx Why not call them tomorrow and say you haven't received a letter/phone call regarding your test results. And can they tell you over the phone? It's normal for any one to make enquires like that. You will be fine:yesyes: ATB

15-05-18, 19:36
I know it sounds pathetic but I'm scared to call, irrational I know, I will leave it until Friday and call, so much for results being back within 2weeks, but as I said before the nurse did say urgent results get priority and don't worry if it's longer than 2 weeks, so why can I get it into my thick head, that mines obviously not urgent, once this is over I'm changing my life, I'm sick of living on my nerves, cbt here I come xxxx

15-05-18, 19:46
I would just call. It's going to be normal anyway. Besides, you're torturing yourself with this for no reason. Think of calling like jumping into some cold water. It's only shocking for a moment and then it's over and you'll be warm again.

Positive thoughts

16-05-18, 12:50
By a weird coincidence, I was in almost exactly the same situation as you a couple of weeks ago, I was waiting for the biopsy results for a womb polyp. The doctor had said there was a lower than one per cent chance of it being cancer, but of course I was still panicking.

The results were two days overdue & was I a mess!!! My husband told me to ring in & ask which I really didn't want to do but I made myself do it. I'm so glad I did as the doctor's secretary immediately told me all was well & apologised profusely for taking so long to write. (She was covering two doctors because a colleague was ill.) I really would recommend gritting your teeth & ringing the hospital. You couldn't be more scared than I was!

And when I asked her, she confirmed that 'no news is good news'. If there's something serious found, they contact the patient very quickly.

16-05-18, 12:59
Just ring them, herbie and don't prolong the agony?
Just to reassure you, I was contacted the same afternoon when my test was dodgy and this was the NHS.

16-05-18, 18:14
I rang the Drs surgery today and they haven't received anything yet, Ill wait until post tomorrow, if nothing I will try to ring the hospital, thank you all for your replies, everybody keeps saying you would have heard something by now, maybe I should start taking notice of what others say, even my mums like you were told there's nothing wrong why are you still worrying and she is the worlds worst worrier avoids Drs and test at all costs, hopefully the fact that I'm waiting so long is a good sign xxx

16-05-18, 18:20
Look Herbie. I had cancer. They don't mess around when something is wrong. From the time the doctor was like "uh oh", until I was diagnosed, was less than a week. NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!

Say that until you can't say it anymore!

Positive thoughts

16-05-18, 18:57
Thank you fishmanpa, you have such a rational brain, I do when I'm replying to others but not when it comes to myself or my family, I've been reading that link you have on your post and it seems really interesting, will read some more tonight instead of googling, so making progress, I think.

Herbie xxxx:):):)

17-05-18, 18:05
So I decided to call the hospital for my results today, spoke to secretary she said my results were there and had been for 2 weeks, but she wasn't allowed to tell me over the phone as she is not qualified in it, said she will send message to consultant to send letter with the result, I can't believe they have been sitting on them all that time, it's made me anxious again as she wouldn't tell me what the outcome was, now I'm thinking it's bad news, somebody advise please xxxx

17-05-18, 18:16
somebody advise please xxxx

You've been advised over the last three pages. I suggest you go back and read some of the replies.

Positive thoughts

17-05-18, 18:52
So I decided to call the hospital for my results today, spoke to secretary she said my results were there and had been for 2 weeks, but she wasn't allowed to tell me over the phone as she is not qualified in it, said she will send message to consultant to send letter with the result, I can't believe they have been sitting on them all that time, it's made me anxious again as she wouldn't tell me what the outcome was, now I'm thinking it's bad news, somebody advise please xxxx

Secretaries legally cannot tell you anything over the phone.

17-05-18, 19:54
Why do some people say they get told there results over the phone? I just wish this was over I really want to get on with my life and enjoy my beautiful 3 month old grandson, I've had enough of this, I really need to know what's going on, why is it dragging on for so long, so fed up xxxx

17-05-18, 19:55
Your results were normal and are sitting in the "routine" pile ie awaiting distribution to you by NHS snail mail because there is no urgent treatment required.

17-05-18, 19:59
Thank you so much, that makes me feel so much better, I almost want to cry, I'm so emotional at the moment, you are a god send thank you xxxx

17-05-18, 20:15
Herbie, they wouldn't hang onto abnormal biopsy results...They really wouldn't.

No news really is good news although I can appreciate that you just want to see this in writing now xx

17-05-18, 23:46
Look Herbie. I had cancer. They don't mess around when something is wrong. From the time the doctor was like "uh oh", until I was diagnosed, was less than a week. NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!

Say that until you can't say it anymore!

Positive thoughts

As a survivor, I will second this. I went from ultrasound to a total hysterectomy and bowel resection in less than 7 days.

18-05-18, 18:15
Evening all, so my results came through today no abnormalities found, I've never been so relieved, I just want to thank you alllfor your support, you have been amazing, I don't think I would have got through this without this forum , once again thank you xxxxxxxx

18-05-18, 18:23

Compliments of your friendly neighborhood "Told ya so Gang".

Positive thoughts

18-05-18, 19:42
Really pleased for you, Herbie!

Enjoy the weekend and your lovely grandson! xx

18-05-18, 19:46
Evening all, so my results came through today no abnormalities found, I've never been so relieved, I just want to thank you alllfor your support, you have been amazing, I don't think I would have got through this without this forum , once again thank you xxxxxxxx

This is awesome. :yesyes:

18-05-18, 20:31
I know how you feel, I’m waiting for results following the removal of a polyp. Even though the consultant said he was “100% sure” it was benign I still can’t stop thinking the worst!

So pleased your results are normal. That must be a great relief x