View Full Version : New obsession or I have to worry????

13-05-18, 14:14

I'Ve peviously posted here about a few kinds of worries, now those are gone and I have a new one. My hocd is completely gone and my new obsession is about my birthmarks, nevus/nevi and moles.
I have a really really fair skin with lots of these marks, I always had a lot of them, last year had a chack up and I was only told that I just need to take care while being on the sun. During school check up they only told my I have nevus pigmentosus, and nothing else. Now Iit tries to tell me that they school nurse warned me but I forgot. I remember googling the term and it was really nothing to wory about.

So now here I am, worried to death, my mom and friends think I overreact. I can'T even look at myself, I get extremely sick. I always need to do something to not to pay attention to this. Now even the blackheads and acne (? maybe I don'T know the proper english term, because we have 2 words for those) on my shoulders worry me. I'm 18, female.
The panic comes in waves like it used to with ocd themes, I have a huge attack, which usually lasts for 2 days, then I am completely calm and understand this is stuid to worry about. Then it starts again, until I do such stupid things as download a mole/nevi scanning app, then relaization hits me.

I'm sorry if this is stupid, I can't decide at all. I'm always overreact things tho, that needs to be said. Thank you in advance.

13-05-18, 18:39

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