View Full Version : Living alone with hypochondria

13-05-18, 19:21
So this is something that’s popped up in my mind quite a few times this past however long I’ve dealth with hypochondria, this time inspired by my current panic.... long story short I spent the whole day in the sun, felt weak and loopy afterwards, thought just one little google search wouldn’t hurt, well it did. Now I’m terrified of having heatstroke and passing out/having a seizure and dying alone in my apartment without anyone even noticing. Which brings me to my point.

To all of you who live alone, do you have any tips on how to overcome the fear of having no one there to help you in case something bad happened health wise? I absolutely love living alone but lately, because of this, it’s felt like hell. Any tips would be much appreciated while I sit here and try not to panic any harder than I already am. Thanks. x

PS. Edit: forgot to say my sleeping schedule atm is incredibly screwed and postponing going to sleep until the early morning hours in fear of dying in my sleep alone with no one there to notice or help isn’t helping me get back on track sleeping schedule wise. My poor sleep schedule, then, affects so many other areas in my life and I’m getting real tired of being such a mess all the time.

14-05-18, 01:31
I live alone, I mean I'm a single Mum but no other adult.
It's hard, I don't have any advice I'm so sorry but you're not alone ;)
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