View Full Version : Strange chest sensation

13-05-18, 23:07
I've just started a new job as a Spa Therapist. It's been 3 weeks of constant massage and my body has ached. Normal places likes arms and shoulders.

Thismorning I woke up with a tight chest, and slighly painful. Not mega pain or anything (I also have a cough and sore throat) but what's really freaking me out, is when I swallow food, like a second after I swallow I get a pang of weird feeling in my chest (almost as the food passes it) like a little pang of pain but not mega pain. Just a weird feeling.

It's giving me horrendous anxiety and I'm terrified I'll have it again tomorrow and the next day and the next. I'm only just recovering from my last thing I was worried about and now its something else :(

Plwase help. Anyone had anything similar? My worries are cancer, tumor on chest.
All the awful worst case scenarios...

Thanks for reading xx

15-05-18, 19:17
Can anyone help at all? Anyone had anything similar? It's been three days of having this sensation now, and I feel so alone :(

15-05-18, 19:22
Scroll down to the bottom of the page. There are several threads similar to yours and if your do a search with the keywords, you'll find pages and pages of similar threads. Chest pain is a very common anxiety SYMPTOM (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Heart_palpitations_chest_pain_irregular_b eats_flutters_skipped_beats) and you're using muscles in your new job you haven't used in a while so that certainly could be a contributing factor.

Positive thoughts