View Full Version : Just needing to rant about HA!

14-05-18, 00:22
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This last month, Ive had everything happen.
Worst flare up of IBS, then Irritable Bladder for over 2 weeks, terrible GERD stomach, plus my eye twitching is non stop and now I have really weird dizzy spells and I'm just exhausted all the time. I'm trying really hard to tell myself it isn't an undiagnosed brain tumor, or cancer somewhere - I haven't googled but seriously - why does it all happen at once?
What i have done - booked an appointment with an ENT to see if my ear crackling is causing my dizzy episodes.
Booked a time with the Ophthalmologist to get botox.
Booked a time with a psychiatrist to talk too - and I will start sertraline then as well.
Booked a time with the gastroscopist to get a gastroscopy done.
Instead of googling I"m just going to professionals and paying for it, but I just want it all cleared.
Why is my eye twitching still - rhetorical question ...
Why am I exhausted, why do I spin when I look around fast, why am I always hungry yet when I eat my stomach hurts, why why and how do I get off!!


I'm tired of this guys, it's ruining my life, I spend my days in bed doing work ( I work from home) - I can't focus, every day I wake up and body check, I"m barely alive mentally - I feel like I"m faking all my smiles, plus I'm a single Mum of a gorgeous daughter that I love beyond anything, when she's around I"m fine, as soon as she's at school - I break down, this is ridiculous.
How do you make it stop?????

I've spent half my life waiting to die of something ... I"m killing myself faster this way ... I just want to be normal and not worry about all these things that are because of my anxiety anyway!
I'm causing them!

Make it stop - anyone know how - please don't say antidepressants, that's just a band-aid, the reason why I'm like this won't just suddenly go away once I"m off them - why are we like this??

Anyone know?

14-05-18, 00:48
I just replied to darkside about this and the same applies to you too

14-05-18, 01:03
Yes I just saw darkside's post actually - JINX.... Thank you.
Will go and read your comment now.