View Full Version : Scared maybe I have Parkinson’s Disease

14-05-18, 02:45
The idea of having something seriously wrong with me is very scary. All my life, I’ve had severe anxiety, and ADD type symptoms. It’s very hard for me to feel happy.

I always suspected maybe I was low on dopamine, as dopamine increasing drugs, such as amphetamines, always make me feel so much better.
A few years ago I started noticing I was having trouble smelling things. I HAVE a sense of smell, but it seems weaker than other people’s. I can’t smell bad smells that easily or at all when others complain about them.

My movements seem more twitchy and spastic lately. My muscles have been twitching. I have no tremor really. Not any more than the average person.

Whenever I would abuse amphetamines badly in the past, I wouldn’t sleep for days and then when I finally would, I would awaken everyone in my household with screams and hollers and moans all night. This doesn’t happen at all when I haven’t been abusing drugs, except for once or twice, and it’s only happened less than ten times in total over the past 5-6 years. So I don’t know if it is actually RBD. REM Sleep behavior disorder.

Also, in the past, due to amphetamine abuse, I’ve had times where my hands were shaking so bad I couldn’t hold things. Again, this doesn’t occur in sobriety.

My movements just don’t seem right. I feel like I keep running into things. I feel uncoordinated. I feel kind of slower but have no evidence that I am.

I have struggled with apathy my whole life but now I’m worried it’s related to something.

I drop things once in a while. It’s like my body is moving faster than my brain sometimes.

My grandpa has Parkinson’s. He’s had it for 22 years. He’s 82.
Is it possible I could be showing very early signs. I’m 28 and scared. I’m scared that I might develop Parkinson’s at some point even if I don’t have it now. The REM sleep thing is what scares me most as it seems to always precede Parkinson’s. I don’t really do it under normal circumstances though, except one time.

Oh, also I had a problem with urinary retention in my early 20s. I had to be hospitalized.

Do I have anything to worry about? Is it hereditary at all?

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I also lose my voice once in a while.

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But that’s also something that only happens when I’m on drugs and haven’t slept for days.

I want to live a sober life but my health anxiety is preventing it! I don’t have anything emergent enough wrong with me to go to the doctor and I know it’s all probably not anything to worry about, but I’m just scared tonight and need help.

---------- Post added at 01:45 ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 ----------

Also, the smell thing might relate to smoking since I was 17. I don’t remember having a particularly stronger sense of smell before then though. Some people don’t have a good one maybe.

It’s all these things together that invoke fear.

---------- Post added at 01:45 ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 ----------

Also, when I’m on drugs I feel totally fine and don’t notice any strangeness, so maybe it really is anxiety.

14-05-18, 03:27
My mom has Parkinson's. Twitching is not a PD symptom.

It sounds like you need help with anxiety and drug abuse.

Yes, Parkinson's can be hereditary, but in most cases it's sporadic.

My mom lost her sense of smell thirty years before her motor symptoms began. It wasn't subtle, it was an obvious change.

PD usually presents with an obvious resting tremor and/or unmistakable stiffness/slowness.

A neurologist can do a clinical exam to check for cogwheel rigidity etc. but it doesn't sound like that's even warranted in your case.

Can you see a therapist? I think that would be the best course of action for you.

welsh girl
14-05-18, 09:20
My Mother had PD and it was noticeable the way she walked,ike a crab, she tripped herself up with one foot, the first we noticed was one finger started to move continuously .
then her whole hand, a person who has PD the hand always shakes from side to side not up and down ,
That was many years ago but now they have meds that you would not know that anyone had that nasty complaint,
I think it highly possible that the combination of drugs have lotto answer too

14-05-18, 12:19
I want to live a sober life but my health anxiety is preventing it!

Also, when I’m on drugs I feel totally fine and don’t notice any strangeness, so maybe it really is anxiety.

Your HA is not preventing your sobriety, your addiction is. Frankly, IMO, this is a classic case of drug abuse/addiction and the physical and psychological ramifications of it. I would see your doctor, be honest about your drug abuse and seek help immediately.

Positive thoughts

14-05-18, 13:06
Yep I totally agree with FMP

15-05-18, 00:55
What do you think a doctor could do for me? I feel like I have to just kind of wait it out and exercise and eat well and drink lots of water and that these things will eventually pass. None of my symptoms are debilitating at all at this point. In fact, besides the wailing in my sleep (which never happens under normal circumstances), I’m not sure that any of these things are symptoms at all. Ugh anxiety is hard and so is drug addiction. It’s addicting to feel perfect all the time. Sobering up always makes everything feel wrong in my body, but I think my best option is to wait it out and keep positive and to not relapse no matter what.

Thanks everyone for help!

15-05-18, 01:41
What do you think a doctor could do for me?

Refer you for treatment for your addiction.

Positive thoughts