View Full Version : Worries over losing sight - bright white line occasionally moving across vision

14-05-18, 11:36
I do suffer with Ocular migraines which make me extremely anxious.. I also get now and again like a bright white line move across my peripheral vision which really scares me. I have had two eye tests and my GP wasn't very helpful he just said it probably is associated with migraine.. I worry that it could be to do with my brain .. Anyone else? Many thanks.

14-05-18, 22:52
i too have had this as well, made me very nervous at first but not so much since i saw my eye doctor about a year ago and explained it to her. i get them on occasion i notice more when i sit down too fast, last just a few seconds but yeah they look like little streaks on white light waving up and down across my peripheral to the middle of my eyes.

15-05-18, 17:54
Thank you for responding much appreciated. I was beginning to think it was just me! 😊 there always seems to be something to worry about i sm paranoid about my sight 😟