View Full Version : Enlarged node in parotid region - extremely scared now.

14-05-18, 16:47
I saw my ent from u/s on neck and thyroid. I need biosies on my thyroid nodules because they are a of size. I’m more scared of the ‘3CM hypoechoic with hyperechoic center suggestive of an enlarged node’ in parotid region. I did mention that I feel an enlarged part near my submandibular (sp?) gland but a bit further in - you can sort of see when I pull my neck backwards. I don’t feel any diffences on my actual parotid gland - I’ve had some tenderness off and on a the back of my jaw but I grind my teeth bad and have lots of allergies, sinus, post nasal drip so I’ve always assumed it was from that. My lymphnodes would swell slightly from time to time and I wouldn’t freak because they would go back down. I don’t really think I have other symptoms but I’m so scared now that I have diarrhea, shakiness, off balance feeling and other things.

All I can find is the scariest things possible. At this point I don’t even know what to do or think. I feel like my worst fear is coming true and I can’t even deal. All I can do is see my two babies and think the worst. I have no strength. Has anyone been thru anything similar. I have a mole on my upper back I’m
Aure is melanoma spreading or lymphoma or salivary C. I don’t even know what to do. Thanks for reading if you did. I’m lost.

14-05-18, 17:48
A 3MM node? As in millimeters? That's not exactly a swollen lymph node is it?

Or did you mean CM?

If 3mm is a swollen node I'm screwed because I can feel loads that small. :D

14-05-18, 17:59
A 3MM node? As in millimeters? That's not exactly a swollen lymph node is it?

Or did you mean CM?

If 3mm is a swollen node I'm screwed because I can feel loads that small. :D

Sorry no, it’s 3CM - so definitely large. It’s actually what I wanted to have checked in addition to my pre-existing thyroid nodule and goiter. I hadn’t had it checked in 5 years - it was of no concern then. Now one has grown to about 2cm and they want to biopsy 3 to be safe. If they need to take the thyroid I don’t care - I’m more scared of a rare sinister C in the submandibular/parotid areas. The one I can feel I’m
Not sure is the same one they saw on the ultrasound - but it seems like 3cm would be big enough to feel if it were somewhere else. I can’t feel anything in the actual parotid glad or anything. This one is slightly more to the front but idk. I’m 31,
Female. Non smoker - occasional beer/wine drinker. But I get no comfort in that.

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 ----------

A 3MM node? As in millimeters? That's not exactly a swollen lymph node is it?

Or did you mean CM?

If 3mm is a swollen node I'm screwed because I can feel loads that small. :D

But also thank you for reading. Feeling very isolated right now - helps to have anyone respond.

14-05-18, 18:28
As a survivor, the mantra is...

It's NOT cancer until they say it is.

The doctors are doing their due diligence and that's all you can ask for.

I'll share something that may help. When I was going through all my stuff, I had the CT etc. and was sent to the ENT. He examined me and I asked flat out about cancer. He said "IMO, this is cancer. I don't know what type but I've seen enough of it to know. The biopsy will tell us what type." So, in my experience, they don't pull punches. You have thyroid issues that they believe are the cause. That's encouraging. I totally understand your anxiousness but hang in there is all I can tell you.

Positive thoughts

14-05-18, 18:33
Sorry no, it’s 3CM - so definitely large. It’s actually what I wanted to have checked in addition to my pre-existing thyroid nodule and goiter. I hadn’t had it checked in 5 years - it was of no concern then. Now one has grown to about 2cm and they want to biopsy 3 to be safe. If they need to take the thyroid I don’t care - I’m more scared of a rare sinister C in the submandibular/parotid areas. The one I can feel I’m
Not sure is the same one they saw on the ultrasound - but it seems like 3cm would be big enough to feel if it were somewhere else. I can’t feel anything in the actual parotid glad or anything. This one is slightly more to the front but idk. I’m 31,
Female. Non smoker - occasional beer/wine drinker. But I get no comfort in that.

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 ----------

But also thank you for reading. Feeling very isolated right now - helps to have anyone respond.

Oh okay! That certainly sounds swollen. But as Fishmanpa has said above, don't get stressed out about it being the c word, it could be entirely benign.

You're more than welcome! Sometimes not getting a reply and/or feeling alone with no one to talk to can make any anxiety far worse. So I'm trying to talk to everyone I can. It helps me out too. :hugs:

14-05-18, 18:36
Please stop deleting your previous posts. It is disrespectful to people who have already replied to you and also hides your history from others who may reply in the future.

14-05-18, 18:46
I’m sorry. When I look back they seemed so whiny and I got embarrassed. I won’t delet any more.

---------- Post added at 12:45 ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 ----------

As a survivor, the mantra is...

It's NOT cancer until they say it is.

The doctors are doing their due diligence and that's all you can ask for.

I'll share something that may help. When I was going through all my stuff, I had the CT etc. and was sent to the ENT. He examined me and I asked flat out about cancer. He said "IMO, this is cancer. I don't know what type but I've seen enough of it to know. The biopsy will tell us what type." So, in my experience, they don't pull punches. You have thyroid issues that they believe are the cause. That's encouraging. I totally understand your anxiousness but hang in there is all I can tell you.

Positive thoughts

Thank you for the reply and for sharing some of your experience. the hardest thing for me is catastrophic thinking. I know it’s a bad thing to do so I’m really going to try and be strong. It just feels very real now. Thank you again for the reply.

---------- Post added at 12:46 ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 ----------

Oh okay! That certainly sounds swollen. But as Fishmanpa has said above, don't get stressed out about it being the c word, it could be entirely benign.

You're more than welcome! Sometimes not getting a reply and/or feeling alone with no one to talk to can make any anxiety far worse. So I'm trying to talk to everyone I can. It helps me out too. :hugs:

I really appreciate it. I feel like I’m bringing my husband down quickly because I can’t seem to put a smile on right now. I just need an outlet for this.

14-05-18, 19:02
Thank you for the reply and for sharing some of your experience. the hardest thing for me is catastrophic thinking. I know it’s a bad thing to do so I’m really going to try and be strong. It just feels very real now. Thank you again for the reply.

You're dealing with a real health issue pertaining to your thyroid so it's to be expected. One thing I've learned is that we deal with the hand that's dealt. I, along with anyone else that has been diagnosed or gone through real physical issues, deal with them. What other choice do we have? They'll figure out what's going on soon enough and you'll take it from there. In the mean time, do your very, very best to do the things everyone here always says... DON'T GOOGLE, DON'T POKE AND PROD and find things to distract yourself as best you can.

Positive thoughts

15-05-18, 01:33
So, a month before my wedding (8 years ago) my mom had a large nodule removed from her parotid gland area. They took the nodule out and a plastic surgeon stitched her up. It looks fantastic. It was nothing at all. My niece had the same thing a few years back, nothing on her as well. I hope that eases you a little. Nothing...is also still a possibility.

15-05-18, 07:29
Thank you for the reply! I made the mistake of googling right away and hardly found anything but rare stuff. It’s nice to know someone has heard of something similar occurring. I am really trying to hold on to hope instead of dread because that is my usual ‘go-to’. Thanks again’ 😊

15-05-18, 15:14
Sending prayers for you!! I'm sure everything will get fine. *Hugs*

16-05-18, 20:33
They want to do FNA biopsies on a few of my thyroid nodules and on the 3cm node in the ‘parotid region’. I’m sort of wondering if it would be better to have the CT scan first. I know this is not a place for medical advice - I put a call into the ENT dr already to ask but I haven’t heard back from him yet. I feel like no matter what, if the biopsy is bad they will do a CT scan to see where else is affect (God forbid), so maybe it’s better and faster to get the CT scan so if they want to just remove the thyroid or the node in the peri-parotid region versus doing the biopsies first.

I truly never expected to be dealing with this and my age worries me more because i feel like it just be more aggressive in a younger person. HA makes it difficult to see any positive outcome. The dr told me there wasn’t reason to be ‘overtly’ concerned but it definitely seems like based on the size and location of that node I should be.

Thanks for listening anyone - I’m not able to eat or sleep because my nerves and worries are so bad.

16-05-18, 21:07
I would advise having the FNAs done first. They will give a definitive diagnosis. I've just had 3 done myself, all around 3cm and all benign.

16-05-18, 21:08
I would advise having the FNAs done first. They will give a definitive diagnosis.

Yep.. that's gold standard.

Positive thoughts

16-05-18, 21:12
You need to make sure they take 2 samples from each nodule in order to avoid getting an "inconclusive" result.

16-05-18, 21:53
I would advise having the FNAs done first. They will give a definitive diagnosis. I've just had 3 done myself, all around 3cm and all benign.

Thanks for the feedback! Glad to hear of your good news. My relatives are saying the same thing also. I am just so fearful of that particular salivary node being so large and spreading. But I guess I need to try and trust the dr.

17-05-18, 00:29
Deep breaths, Golden!

I haven't had neck stuff, but I have had biopsies on more than one occasion, including one time in the lymph nodes, and it is a serious head trip to go through when you have HA.

I am wishing you the best news and some way to stop catastrophizing! It doesn't help in any situation, so why do we do it????

17-05-18, 01:14
All I saw online has been so bad about salivary cancers I can’t get it out of my head. I tried calling the dr. I also wanted to ask him about anxiety meds because I can’t eat or sleep so far. The wait is too much for my ocd thinking. But no luck. I’m on the verge of a panic attack. Last night I woke up after a couple hours and it was the longest, saddest night so far. Just thinking about it happening tonight is sending me into a bad panic. Will the ER prescribe anxiety meds? Idk what to do. I’m so scared to be alone with my thoughts.

---------- Post added at 19:14 ---------- Previous post was at 19:08 ----------

So, a month before my wedding (8 years ago) my mom had a large nodule removed from her parotid gland area. They took the nodule out and a plastic surgeon stitched her up. It looks fantastic. It was nothing at all. My niece had the same thing a few years back, nothing on her as well. I hope that eases you a little. Nothing...is also still a possibility.

Were they enlarged lymph nodes in the salivary areas? I’m asking because it seems rare - I can’t find much online. I shouldn’t have looked at all (I know) but it adds to my fear that I can’t find much about benign swollen lymphnodes.

17-05-18, 01:18
All I saw online has been so bad about salivary cancers I can’t get it out of my head. I tried calling the dr. I also wanted to ask him about anxiety meds because I can’t eat or sleep so far. The wait is too much for my ocd thinking. But no luck.

Can you call your GP and tell them what's going on? Even the after hours if you need to. You need to find a way to stop your suffering and sleep!!

17-05-18, 04:56
I’m a little confused. You have nodules on your thyroid and also a huge one in your parotid gland that you can’t feel? Just trying to clarify. In any case.. I had a huge hard fixed thyroid nodule years ago and I had just about put myself in the cemetery at that time from googling. I found nothing but the rarest of the rare of disorders. It turned out to be nothing more than a giant cyst and dissolved after a FNA. I realized that the horror stories online are not always the most common. There are a ton of people that go through health scares and don’t post about their benign conditions because let’s be honest most people are rational. I know I need to take my own advice but I try to remember that when I’m in a panic.

17-05-18, 20:17
Yes I have thyroid nodules which didn’t particularly worry me for the biopsy. I’m more scared of the pariparotid lymphnode that is 3.3cm - everything I see says over 3cm = malignant. That’s pretty big. It also feels hard and fixed to me. I’ve realized that other symptoms I’ve had could be related to a salivary C or something else very rare like that which is scary. Hit or miss jaw pain, fullness on that side. I shouldn’t have googled but I did the first day and I haven’t slept much or eaten since. I called the dr. Today to see about some anti anxiety meds and I’m hoping that will help at least for the meantime I’ll try to have some hope about these tests. Thanks for the reply - I’m praying that I’ll be proven wrong here and that even a node that size could be benign.

17-05-18, 20:47
Yes I have thyroid nodules which didn’t particularly worry me for the biopsy. I’m more scared of the pariparotid lymphnode that is 3.3cm - everything I see says over 3cm = malignant. That’s pretty big. It also feels hard and fixed to me. I’ve realized that other symptoms I’ve had could be related to a salivary C or something else very rare like that which is scary. Hit or miss jaw pain, fullness on that side. I shouldn’t have googled but I did the first day and I haven’t slept much or eaten since. I called the dr. Today to see about some anti anxiety meds and I’m hoping that will help at least for the meantime I’ll try to have some hope about these tests. Thanks for the reply - I’m praying that I’ll be proven wrong here and that even a node that size could be benign.

The pain and fullness could very well be because you have swelling but it doesn’t mean the swelling is anything. Even hard and fixed lumps can be nothing. When I had my thyroid scare I was petrified because mine was big hard and fixed and I had just the one and no history with thyroid issues which usually you have if you get nodules. I convinced myself I had a thyroid cancer that only affects like one in a million people lol again. What you don’t see online is people posting hey I had something but it was benign. My coworker just had a breast cancer scare and I thought about how many rational people go through these things and don’t post about them. Why would they if they turn out fine? They’re not riddled with anxiety like you and me lucky for them. :)

17-05-18, 22:22
anxiety causes the worst case scenario to be the only case scenario and that’s where I am at. I don’t know how to find hope in this. Thank you to all who have responded and taken the time to listen and let me vent. I really don’t know how I can last thru this wait. In my gut I feel like I already know what those biopsies will show - I just want to know how far things have spread and what chances I have. So waiting about two weeks is going to really do me in mentally. I envy people who have a positive outlook on life and future - the future has always been a terrifying thing for me (even as a child) - not a positive one. And I feel like the shoe finally dropped.

22-05-18, 18:26
Hi everyone. I wanted to give an update. Two things - this whole experience has shown me that I was not in a good place with my anxiety. It really pushed me over the edge and my husband took me to urgent care because he was worried about my mental outlook. I started on citalopam about 5 days ago and it seems to be helping.

I also had my FNA biopsies today - it was not as bad as I feared it would be. The large lymphnode is apparently a jugular lymphnode according to the dr./pathologist and it is at the high end of the normal range for size. Not abnormal (even at 3cm!) He said it’s nice and elongated and doesn’t show markers that he was concerned about. He took samples, viewed them under the microscope to be sure it was a good enough sample for testing and told my husband and I he feels confident it is completely benign. He said the thyroid nodules all appear to be benign as well. I was not expecting to get any kind of affirmation from the actual pathologist during this procedure so it was an unexpected blessing to get some confidence that all looks good.

I learned a few tough lessons - All of my googling only added up to the worst possible outcome - my husband actually turned the data off on my phone because I was making myself sick with worry and worst case scenarios. I lost about 10 pounds from worrying, not eating, not sleeping. My mental health was in a questionable spot and i can feel the medicine helping in that respect. I still feel like until I get the final procedural findings in two days - I can’t totally relax. But this past week gave me a huge amount of perspective about what’s important in life and what to be thankful for - and what I am in control of - and what I have no control of.

I’m going to look to start therapy soon - I was not in a healthy place and I want to be strong for my children in the future - no matter what it brings! Thank you to all who reached out with positive thoughts for me.

23-05-18, 04:10
Yay! I was checking back to see if you had updated and I’m glad you got good news.. I’m also sooo jealous you got instant results on the spot! That usually never happens!! And yes lesson learned huh? I learned that with my funky nodule... I also lost weight like 15 lbs and my friends said I looked like the walking dead lol. In my mind I thought i was losing weight from the horrible disease I diagnosed myself with but in reality I had worked myself up so much that I was not eating.. having constant diarrhea etc. now time to move on and enjoy life again!

23-05-18, 08:26
Really good news, Golden! The doctor certainly wouldn't have been able to have said that unless he was certain that the nodes were benign. Hopefully things will start looking up for you now after this horrible scare.

24-05-18, 02:56
Glad to hear your news and your insight! That is progress!!

03-07-18, 04:35
Here I am again - I thought I could relax but my mind continues to sabotage me. It’s been a little over a month now and here I am still convinced something is wrong in my neck and trying to decide if I’m brave enough to have a CT scan done. (This is in addition to a pain in my right side that I have been worrying about for months and have a female dr check up tomorrow that I’m utterly convinced will also have a sinister result). In my defense, I had to stop the Celexa I was put on cold turkey because I did not have a general dr to see when it was refill time so I have been feeling the affects of that for about 2 weeks but physically I feel less ill now / my anxiety is still going strong and wreaking havoc on any hopes of peace I may ever wish to have.

I feel this generally tender spot under my jaw and in the similar region of the large lymphnode - now I feel certain that while the lymph node may have been clear and not sinister, it is more than likely indicating that something else is very wrong in that region.

If you read this, thank you. I am spiraling pretty badly tonight. I wish I could have stayed positive and Strong but I simply don’t think I have what it takes to be strong in the face of disease/death. I’m just feeling pretty down right now.

03-07-18, 06:23
Hi everyone. I wanted to give an update. Two things - this whole experience has shown me that I was not in a good place with my anxiety. It really pushed me over the edge and my husband took me to urgent care because he was worried about my mental outlook. I started on citalopam about 5 days ago and it seems to be helping.

I also had my FNA biopsies today - it was not as bad as I feared it would be. The large lymphnode is apparently a jugular lymphnode according to the dr./pathologist and it is at the high end of the normal range for size. Not abnormal (even at 3cm!) He said it’s nice and elongated and doesn’t show markers that he was concerned about. He took samples, viewed them under the microscope to be sure it was a good enough sample for testing and told my husband and I he feels confident it is completely benign. He said the thyroid nodules all appear to be benign as well. I was not expecting to get any kind of affirmation from the actual pathologist during this procedure so it was an unexpected blessing to get some confidence that all looks good.

I learned a few tough lessons - All of my googling only added up to the worst possible outcome - my husband actually turned the data off on my phone because I was making myself sick with worry and worst case scenarios. I lost about 10 pounds from worrying, not eating, not sleeping. My mental health was in a questionable spot and i can feel the medicine helping in that respect. I still feel like until I get the final procedural findings in two days - I can’t totally relax. But this past week gave me a huge amount of perspective about what’s important in life and what to be thankful for - and what I am in control of - and what I have no control of.

I’m going to look to start therapy soon - I was not in a healthy place and I want to be strong for my children in the future - no matter what it brings! Thank you to all who reached out with positive thoughts for me.

Please reread your previous post golden. Again and again if you need to!

03-07-18, 07:08
So sorry that you’re back in the spiral.
Will you get your medication refilled? It really seemed to help, so it might be worth it?

Hope the doctor helps when you see her.

It’s vital to remember how positive and relaxed you were when you wrote your earlier post. Focus on those feelings, not these anxiety driven ones.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-07-18, 03:36
Thank you for taking the time to reply and encourage me. If it’s not one thing makinme fearful, its another. I was given a new prescription with refills thankfully so I won’t be dealing with stopping cold turkey again. I’m thankful for that. I’m still struggling in general. The OB feels everything seemed completely normal and didn’t feel any cysts. I just can’t shake the feeling that something is looming. I’m still very worried about my neck - it’s not my imagination that I feel a general tenderness around the same area there and have for a few months. ��*♀️ I guess I have to take it a day at a time and hopefully the medicine will help some.

In addition I also start feeling selfish for being scared and getting things checked outs my husband doesn’t get anything checked and so I also feel scared something will happen to him. It’s just so hard.

28-09-19, 16:27
Hey Golden,

Did you ever get this figured out?

I have 6 in thyroid- did fna’s over multiple years and fine.

For the past year I’ve had a swollen paratoid lymph node, yeataday I felt it and it got bigger and super painful...terrified it’s cancer.... scheduled ct but now im wondering if the size of it ( because I’ve been poking it) will make it seem worse on the ct...

Help I’m 29 and terrified