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View Full Version : scared of more needed xray exposure

14-05-18, 18:58
I have had three chest xrays in the past 5 years for various reasons. I have been having upper back and neck pain for the past few weeks and went to see a chiropractor. She felt around, checked my range of motion, etc. and is sending me for xrays of my spine. I'm so scared of getting all of the radiation. How do i calm my fears? Should i do it? My upper back is always killing me. I know it's probably anxiety related. Has anyone else had this issue and are there other ways to fix it besides seeing a chiropractor?

14-05-18, 19:04
An x ray has about the same radiation as a 1-2 hour plane ride or a day at the beach. Stay out of the sun for a day and call it even ;)

Positive thoughts

14-05-18, 19:29
really? I had no idea. I tend to scare myself to death. My husband said to just get the xrays and forget about it. If only i could do that :D

I'm terrified of flying, so haven't had that type of exposure in while :blush:

14-05-18, 19:30
You might be better off having some myofascial release done to your cervical and thoracic spine. The paravertebral muscles running parallel to the spine can tighten up and cause all sorts of pain and nerve irritation.

14-05-18, 20:09
Thanks, Pulisa! Is this done through massage therapy or chiropractic care?

14-05-18, 21:01
It depends what techniques your chiropractor is trained in, I think. Myofascial release is a special form of massage therapy-it's more tailored to your own personal requirements. I go to a physiotherapist for mine.