View Full Version : Goodbye Denver

21-07-07, 12:14
Yesterday my family became a little smaller. We lost our beloved old lurcher, Denver who had a stroke in the morning and had to be put to sleep.
Denver came to us on the 8th of December 2002 from the animal rescue centre. He had had a really horrible past and it took him time to realise that his new life would be filled with gentleness, happiness and love.
He has been with us through all our ups and downs. He was there for every major family event. He was even taken to visit me when I was in hospital...he was led round the carpark so I could see him from the window.
He went on holiday with us and even spent a night in a hotel. He ran on the beach,walked in the woods and ate turkey and gravy with us at Christmas.
Once, on a walk, he jumped into a fast flowing river and got swept away. We were certain we had lost him and searched for two hours. Suddenly we spotted him on the opposite bank and to our horror he jumped straight back in and started trying to swim back to us. We shouted encouragment from the bank as he struggled against the current, his eyes fixed on us. Thankfully he made it.
He was a wonderful boy; clumsy...all legs but with a big lurcher smile. The night before he died he was well and happy and we played a game of hiding treats under tins. He loved to lie on the sofa most of all and in return for all his doggy love we gave him his own sofa which now looks heartbreakingly empty.
We still have our other dog, Alistair and our cat, Neil. They were great pals with Denver and are both looking for him. We are all so sad, but so grateful to have been blessed with a companion like Denver for over five years.
We buried him in the garden, between two young trees. We can leave flowers and we have lots of beautiful photos of him, and most of all our lovely memories.
So here's to you Denver. May you rest in peace. Thankyou for being the best friend anyone could ever wish for. We'll never forget you.

21-07-07, 12:20
rip denver and big hugs to you rain and family

21-07-07, 13:11
Hi Rain,
So sorry to hear about Denver it is indeed hearbreaking when we lose a furry baby, please try and take comfort in knowing that in the 4 and half years you loved him and gave him a good life and now he is happily playing at Rainbow Bridge, the below poem was sent to me when I lost my beloved Staffie Sasha in 2003 hope it helps :hugs:

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:

21-07-07, 13:22
Awwwww Rain my heart goes out to you and your family:hugs:

It sounds like Denver had a lovely life with you

It is so sad when we lose one of our furry friends:weep:

Thinking of you all:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

21-07-07, 13:24

That was such a lovely post.

So sorry to hear about your loss but be assured that he was loved and cared for and was as you said a good friend to you all.

Have a hug from me :hugs:


21-07-07, 13:30
So Sorry to hear about Denver. Our animals are so precious. It sounds like you gave him a really wonderful life.

Take Care,

http://on1.aimgit.net/images/girly/hugs/hugs14.gifhttp://aimgit.net/images/thanksAvtrDollGlitter.gifTo You.

Love Pip's X X X X

21-07-07, 13:41
Ah Rain, that is a beautiful tribute to Denver - you got the tears welling up in my eyes now :hugs:

I found this little verse on the web, I hope you like it:

'Have you a dog in Heaven, Lord?
Is there room for just one more?
Cause my perfect dog died today;
he'll be waiting at your door.

Please take him into Heaven, Lord.
And keep him there for me,
just feed him, pet him, love him, Lord,
that’s all he'll ask of Thee'

Lots of love to you, Kit, Alistair and Neil :woof

21-07-07, 13:59
That really touched me :weep: , I'm so sorry Rain hun, Denver sounds a like a right little smasher.


Love Piglet :flowers:

21-07-07, 15:46
Rain :hugs: I am so so sorry to hear of your loss. This post really touched me, I was crying when I read it.

What a beautiful way to say goodbye Rain, Denver sounds like he was such a good friend to you. You will always have your memories, hold onto them. You gave him a wonderful life, a life he would never have had if he never had you :hugs:

Remember the good times, always :hugs:

Take care,

Lou xxx

PS what beautiful poems mystics and Ellen :hugs:

21-07-07, 21:39
Rain i am in tears as i reply to your post, r.i.p. denver, your tribute to him was very moving.:hugs:

21-07-07, 22:05
http://www.wondercliparts.com/flowers/graphics/flower_graphics_06.gifIm so sorry for your loss rain.
Thinking of you.xxxxxxxx

21-07-07, 22:42
What a lovely moving post Rain. I'm thinking of you all as you come to terms with this difficult time. You were lucky to have such a lovely dog but Denver was also lucky to have such loving owners. It's a lovely thing that you and Kit do, taking in rescue dogs and I'm sure you will remember with fondness all the happiness you gave Denver and he gave you.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Take care,

Nibbs x

21-07-07, 22:51
Hi Rain,

What a touching and moving post. I'm so sad to hear of your loss :hugs:

It sounds like Denver was well loved and lucky you rescued him.

Thinking of you at this sad time.

Rip Denver.

Lisa x

21-07-07, 23:12
Losing a loved animal is as bad as losing any human friend I think. he was so much loved what a GREAT life he had and you will always carry him in your heart.

be strong, hug your other furries, be gentle on yourself


21-07-07, 23:17
:hugs: :hugs:

22-07-07, 00:46
Thankyou everyone for the kind words. Here is a picture of the fellow himself, with a smile on his face.

22-07-07, 00:56
What a happy chappy he must have been - surrounded by all that love.




22-07-07, 01:03
Awww Rain I am so sorry to read about your loss, your post really touched me

:hugs: :hugs:


Trac xxx

funky chick
22-07-07, 01:15
aww Rain what a lovely post it really touched me, Denver was so so lucky to have you and Kit to love and care for him and i know you will have such lovely memories of the time you had with him and what a lovely pic of him looking so happy Rain.
take care and im thinking of you and Kit at this sad time please hold on tight to the memories of Denver a very special pet. lots of love Gail xxxxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

22-07-07, 09:06

Sorry to hear of you loss hun. thinking of you !



22-07-07, 11:14
:flowers: hey rain, sorry to hear about denver dying, and im welling up as now i know how it feels to love your pets i can imagine how you must be feeling:weep: and im sorry for you. although like someone said you have given that dog a good life while youve had him and that is testament to you and your partner.
maybe after youve grieved for him you could think about giving that love and care to another doggie in need?
all the best to you rain:hugs: from emma xxxxxxx

26-07-07, 00:21
Hi Rain,

I'm so sorry for your loss of Denver. You both gave each other love and comfort and no one can ask for more than that. Your remarks were especially heartwarming to me.

