View Full Version : Really scared of having a neurological disorder

14-05-18, 21:18
Hello everyone!

First off, I'm am happy to have found this site, as it has helped me learn more about benign conditions that have similar symptoms to rare and scary diseases.

I've also read a lot of posts explaining how ALS progresses to ease my worries.

But today I got really scared due to cramps in my forearm. Then again, I arm wrestled with a friend Saturday evening, so I tried to brush it off as DOMS. But since my brain can't stop thinking about rare and fatal diseases, and I can't stop Googling symptoms and stories about ALS, I had to call the local psychiatry hotline to calm myself down.

I am currently undergoing a light version of cognitive therapy, and it has helped me a little bit.

Anyway, to tell you a quick rundown of my story:

I started working out in August last year, and I've continued to do so until 1 month ago. This is where I noticed body tremors while working out/lifting. I noticed that when I lift up my knee (like crane stance from martial arts) and slowly lower it, it kinda tremors downwards in a non-fluid motion. I also noticed that my shoulders does this when I push them up and let them down slowly.

This triggered my anxiety and I went to see the doctor.

First of all I went to see the doctor on a Friday, and I had been working out both Monday and Tuesday, to the point where I couldn't stretch my arms out. So when I told my doctor about my symptoms as I described above, he ordered a blood test for creatine kinase.

When the tests came back, the levels where like 2300 U/l and he suspected a neurological disease might be the culprit, so he ordered a new blood test to be taken at the upcoming Monday.

At this point I was literally freaking out inside my head. I just walked outside into the car and sat there for 5 mins, just imagining all my life ending in 3-5 years due to full-body paralysis. Thoughts like: "What about my family" came in to play, and it was just the worst feeling. I started feeling jelly legs after this appointment, and my life turned downwards pretty fast, because I couldn't stop thinking about what he said.

This is also where I began noticing fasciculations all over my body (legs, arms, shoulders, feet, stomach, head- even the tongue (rarely))

I didn't want to walk because it felt weird (perceived weakness), and I didn't wanna go anywhere until I got the new test back..

Fast forward to Monday, I had my blood taken and I now I had to wait until Wednesday for my next appointment!

Thankfully the levels were back down to 560 U/l, which is still not in the normal range for males below 60 (50 - 370 U/l), but enough for me to calm down. While my doctor was examining the results, he told me to concentrate on my mental health instead.

Anyway, some days later my legs still felt jelly and heavy, plus the fasciculations! So I called him again and told him that I wanted to see a neurologist. He reluctantly accepted my request.

So until now, I've struggled to get through the day due to my extreme health anxiety. I'm even noticing that my friends are joking about my fear of ALS, especially since I can't stop monitoring my body for the slightest symptoms.

But in 2 days I'm going to see a neurologist, and I'm so scared and happy at the same time, because this'll hopefully rule out my worst fears.

The reason I am posting this is to seek guidance and similar experiences from you guys! Plus I will most certainly come back to this thread and post my progress. This'll hopefully be the information you need to be relieved of your own scary symptoms (hopefully lol).

Thanks for reading my wall of text, and god speed to all of you! You're most welcome to post your own experiences related to muscle tremors, fasciculations, weakness etc., it's so refreshing not to feel alone!

14-05-18, 22:55
I have been dealing with this issue myself. I have been having muscle spams all over my body for about a year now, it can last weeks into months, right now i have noticed that it has flared up just a few times today thankfully! not sure if its a vitamin D dif since my number is low 18 and the lowest on scale is 30, or if it can be a vitamin b12 or vitamin b dif. i have an appointment with my doc on Friday and hopefully clear some anxiety with him when it comes to some issues i have going on, that one included.

15-05-18, 00:44
While my doctor was examining the results, he told me to concentrate on my mental health instead.

ALS fears are pretty common here. Of the hundreds and hundreds of ALS posts here, no one has it nor will you. That statement from your doctor speaks volumes. Read THIS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071) as often as you need to.

Positive thoughts

15-05-18, 09:42
I have been dealing with this issue myself. I have been having muscle spams all over my body for about a year now, it can last weeks into months, right now i have noticed that it has flared up just a few times today thankfully! not sure if its a vitamin D dif since my number is low 18 and the lowest on scale is 30, or if it can be a vitamin b12 or vitamin b dif. i have an appointment with my doc on Friday and hopefully clear some anxiety with him when it comes to some issues i have going on, that one included.

The effects of anxiety can be so annoying. But since you've had the muscle spasm for a year, I wouldn't worry about anything significant. I'm pretty sure that if it were to be a neurodegenerative disease or similar, you'd be walking with a crane at best already.

But that's coming from my rational part of my brain, I'd 100% go to the doctor anyway, just as you're doing, haha. :D

ALS fears are pretty common here. Of the hundreds and hundreds of ALS posts here, no one has it nor will you. That statement from your doctor speaks volumes. Read THIS as often as you need to.

Positive thoughts

Yeah I've learned a lot from other peoples experience, and it has been a RELIEF to say the least. I'm so stubborn when it comes to trusting my doctor, since my physical symptoms persist and change constantly. It's an evil spiral. Right now for example, I'm constantly feeling the need to clear my throat and let out a tiny burp along with it. Since I know that ALS patients can have difficulty swallowing, it instantly triggered my anxiety. But since I'm also having a difficult time during toilet visits, I'm thinking it might be acid reflux. It's all these small symptoms that are possible candidates for ALS symptoms, and since I'm montering my body 24/7, they're so pronounced that I can't stop thinking about the worst outcome.

Can't wait until tomorrow.

16-05-18, 11:50
Hello again!
I promised to follow up on my journey, so now I'm afraid that I need to double-post for this update.

Anyway, I've just been to the neurologist today and he seemed very professional. Unfortunately I wasn't prepared for the consultation, since I somehow managed not to fill out a questionnaire which had been emailed to me. He didn't do any physical tests on me, but he did review my blood test reports and asked me about the symptoms I've been experiencing.

Of course I couldn't remember all of my symptoms when he asked me, so I feel like I gave some half-assed responses. Albeit from my symptoms and blood tests, he didn't see any potential neurological disease, which felt pretty reassuring.

Anyway he wanted me to do another blood test to check my CK, iron and vitamin D levels again, this time without any workout beforehand as to not distort the results (CK results). So right now my plan is to get a blood test tomorrow, and then wait until the 23rd of May for another consultation.