View Full Version : The beast, dizziness

21-07-07, 12:53
Hi does anyone get days when the dizziness is so bad you daren't move or look down, and you just feel safe sitting or lying down.

21-07-07, 13:21
Yup - had it for years. Used to walk around holding on to things it was that bad.

Correct breathing will help. Have a read on the symptoms page and there is something about it.

21-07-07, 23:12

I was also like this last year took around 6 months to go. Like Nicola i used to walk around the house holding the furniture as i felt so lightheaded/dizzy. I couldn't walk outside unless i had someone with me to hold on to. It was a terrible time and very terrifying.

Try listening to relaxation cds on a daily basis.

21-07-07, 23:31
You bet happens loads absolutely ghastly. trick for me is to try to stop panicking about the panic (if that doesn't sound daft) and recognise through the muzzy terrified thinking: - 'ohgod i'mgoing to dieright nowi'mhaving a stroke going to fall downand black out' - that it is only a panic attack and won't kill me. I've written on a piece of paper 'remember that your dizzies are just panic, you are perfectly safe and they will go away' which I keep in my bag with a brown paper bag and a bottle of lavender oil as a kind of emergency kit. The breathing into the paper bag takes about five ten minutes to work for me but it almost always does. I sometimes put a couple of drops of lavender oil on the bag which is even better.

always completely shattered afterwards.

the tips on this website are brilliant and the explanations about the physiological reasons for dizzies very reassuring.

the beast is a great name for it! not a nice one tho unlike most animals!


22-07-07, 22:09
hi , I realised I was dizzy even when not panicky, i could be happily cooking and look up at the clock and feel like im going to fall.
After 5 years nearly of this I have at last been referred to a
ordiologist, they deal with balance problems.
I dont know if they will find anything wrong with me or not , but I so fed up with it all. But drinking lots of water certainly helps.

hope you feel better soon,

03-08-07, 05:25
Hi Sherlock
I have had feelings of imbalance or lightheadedness on and off for years. In fact, that was the first symp I got many moons ago when this ghastly anxiety circus started for me.
My son was apporximately 1 year of age and my hubby wanted to go on vacation.
My mother and mother in law were to baby sit for him for a week
I think it was the idea of leaving my son, going on a plane for the first time, traveling a distance for the first time, which made for fertile soil for the sprouting of anxiety.
So... I was on the floor one day prior to the trip, in my little son's room, when a wave of lightheadedness overcame me.
I freaked.
I felt as if I was swooning and I believe there was a degree of depersonalization and derealization as well.
That was the entree into the world of anxiety for me.
Of course someone else would have experienced the same sensations and not have freaked but we are all hard wired differently.
I still have times of this symp- recently when walking the dog.
There were times when I would actually feel as if I was being propelled to one side- in church no less. LOL.
Many many people have it and I do think it is very much related to anxiety.
Of course, I went to an ear, nose and throat doctor for this thinking I had ear problems but not really.
Speaking of which there is a book written by an ear, nose and throat doctor here in the states who believes the majority of phobias are related to ear problems!!!!!
As an interesting aside- I recently went on a cruise and there was an afternoon and another day of rough seas. I did not get seasick as I had taken pills for that BUt i did not like the imbalanced, swaying feeling of the boat- perhaps it reminded me of the above mentioned symp- nonetheless, I was also surprised that it didnt bother me as much as I thought it would- could it be that I knew the reason for the feeling- ie,being on a ship in rough seas and therefore knew the tangible reason for the feeling????? Ah, good theory, heh?
As to the lightheadedness/dizziness- as my mother also a sufferer of panic and anxiety once said- "So? If I fall on the floor someone is bound to pick me up." ROFL.
Try to keep a sense of humor and don't let this bogey get you down though I know it is easier said then done.
You are not alone.
Btw, I had a dog when younger, a Weimeraner, who I named Sherlock. Rofl.
Best to you from me from across the pond.

03-08-07, 07:51
my hubby always says someone will pick me up if I fall down ,lol.

I just hate the dizzy feeling that lasts all day long, does anyone else get this ?

03-08-07, 07:54
i have been getting dizzyness for ages now and thought it was the booze from the night before but its been 9 days today without a drink and i am still getting it mainly in the mornings
think like no more panic said alot of it has to do with correct breathing
take care
hope u get betta soon

03-08-07, 18:25
I have had days of dizziness off and on for the last three years. It just comes on and lasts for days but now i have found a few sprays of rescue remedy shifts it, so i always make sure i have my bottle in my bag now.

04-08-07, 01:39
I was speaking about dizziness with my psychiatrist last week. I started on a higher dose of Seroquel and it made me very dizzy. My psychiatrist said to stamp my feet hard for a couple of minutes when I feel dizzy as this will bring the blood back down my body and relieve the dizziness. It is not rocket science but it does work.

Only thing is imagine feeling dizzy when you were out say in a shopping centre. Can you imagine walking along stamping your feet hard and everyone looking at you :)

Think it is a hint that I will use in private only!


12-02-11, 23:48
If You Are Constantly Dizzy There Is A Rare And Little Know Disorder And It's Called Mal De Debarquemtent Syndrome..
Hardly Any Doctor's Are Educated on this and yes I'm living with it and so many more people have it then Doctors know about..
Here Is A Link on it below


14-02-11, 00:43
Omg i hate this symptom, it's my biggest one. 6months ago it got so bad i went to the ER, i was sleeping and waking up dizzy in bed at 3am awful and scary. I keep thinking i have some sleep disorder o something isnt right, why do i get it when i am not panicky???:blush::blush::blush:. I'ts effecting my life badly, i dont drive because of it either or like too. Show freaks me out too, what is the answer??? one GP said i had Vertigo hmmmmmmm do i buy it though??? :lac::lac::lac:

14-02-11, 03:53
yes had this for 3 days now its so bad i feel like i cant walk hun ,its awfull...hope u get better soon hun ....

14-02-11, 17:17
Had it on and off for 25 years and can not get rid of it
I can not leave the house as too scared on my own get it in the house as well it is always there sometimes not so bad and sometimes very bad
It has totally destroyed my life.
Have been mistook for a drunk a few times and as I hang my head to one side sometimes have been asked many times if I have been in a accident.
All the doctors I have seen over the years tell me it is anxiety