View Full Version : All kinds of Neuro problems! Please help!!!!!

15-05-18, 14:05
Hey all,
I am 34 year old female. I have had health anxiety all my lofe.it comes in cycles. For the most partI am able to calm myaelf down and realize my irratinal fears.

Now this isnt one of that. I have never bad dizziness/unbalanced feeling. It all started around a month and a half back. I was cooking something in the kitchen when suddenly out of nowhere I felt like the earth was moving benath my feet. At first i thought it was an earthquake. But when i looked at my mother i realises it was just me! Competely freaked out! The room wasnt spinning.. it just felt like somethinf shook from under my feet.
Its the first time i experienced something like that and it freaked me to no end!!
Went tk a doctor who ordered a complete work. It was all fine except my vitamin d was really low and my choleterol was also in the high area(whole family has early onset cholesterol) He said maybe coz of these two faxtors u felt dizzy.
Then that fear of will ithat feeling come again haunted me for days .. until eventually it passed and i thought maybe it really was a one off

Now more than a month later.. i have suddenly deceloped sooo many shmptoms.. going to list them
1. Alwaya feeling like the groud is sinking or floating whenver i am walking.
2. It gets worse when there are ppl around me.
3. Ringinf in my both ears - i showed an ent who said there was some eustachian thingy wronf witj my ears abd gave me two sprays for my
4. My eyes sometimes feel like it gets stuck on some point... like mostly glaring shiny surfaces make me feel dizzy like
5. Intermittant tingling sensation in scalp mostly right side..thatsometimes radiates towards back and neck
6. Back of my head feels veryy heavy.
7. Sometimes an overwhelming rush of negative emotions just takes over me. Like theres nothing good in theis life
8. Pain in my forehead when i touch and pain around eyes that come and go
9. Buzzing sensation in left foot that also makes this entire swaying/floatig feelinf worse.
10. And now today i have noticed that my left hand.. just below my elbow .. there is a constant feeling of like.. if there was a strand ofhair sxraping that area. Not numbness but vague sensation.. ldnt know how tondescribe.

I am terrified that this is all brain tumor. I even.. somehow reached a site that had this some brain tumour reaearxh site wbere there were listinf out aymtooms accordinf to online brain tumour ppla deedback

ALL these symptoms were me tioned by many ppl!!! I am
Freaking out .. i ammm tool terrified to goto a doc. A neuro. I have an almost 4 year oldboy and i cantcantcant ake myaelf goto a neuro and havemei/ctscan done.. i am scared too scared.
Feeling hopeless..

Dont even know what i am expexting u guysto respond..😪😪😪

---------- Post added at 13:04 ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 ----------

No one? Anyone?

---------- Post added at 13:05 ---------- Previous post was at 13:04 ----------

So many views and no replies... getting me more worried.

15-05-18, 17:01
man of man i could of written this myself. i have experienced alot of these things. i am currently dealing with 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9 from your list. the buzzing sensations i get tho is all over my body but mainly in my torso, not sure if it is due to low vitamin d or what but i will be asking my doctor when i see him this friday. the off balance or unsteady feeling i have been getting for quite a while too over 6 months and scares me. i get it when i sit, stand but not really when i lay down, im sure it has something to do with my tight muscles in my back and neck and possibly inflammation from whiplash that occur after i was rear ended 8 months ago, i have not been the same since. I notice that when i am not aware of it and relax my eyebrows the front of my forehead and around my eyes are sore. having all these symptoms is not fun and i would give anything to feel normal again:weep: but we need to keep on and keep positive and know that were not alone and that someone out there has it worse than us, its hard to do. if you have any questions feel free to PM me anytime! take care :) oh i also forgot to mention i am 34 years old too

15-05-18, 20:04
Thku for answering. Have u consulted any doctor? I acrually had over a week of no symptoms and i actuallu thought oh it was jist
Anxoety then. I had acyually felt happy. Then this saturday again out of nowhere.. ground started shifting.
I know i have been goinf through tremendous stress since december.
My grandma had a cancer scare..that took too
Much of a toll. That turned out okay. When i si felt i can
Relax.. my mother was completely down with all
Konds of gastro problems. The doc finallu asked ber tomget all scans done.. and that day my stress was way way too much. That also by God’s scans were
It was after this incident one fine day i had my forst unbalanced feeling. Then when I was gradually getting iver that dizzyness scare..bam
Came the news that my relative .. who was our same
Age.. infact we were school mates.. She auddenly collapsed
In ber house one fine morning and was put
On lofe aupport withon an hour!!! She had absolutely nohistory of any illness.. had just delivered ber third baby 8 months back.. !! Supposedly was a massive cardiac arrest that resulted in brain heommarge!! She was in the icu for three weeks and unforunately passed away😢😢😢 Her funeral ws horrible time
For everyone..May her soul rest in peace

I am sorry i am venting out here.I dnt know where else to write. Sometomes strangers are best.
...I know all these are stress triggers.. but i still feel my symptoms are lal real.

I dont know how to dm uprivately btw! Please explain..hope u feel much much better than me..
sending u loads of love

18-05-18, 20:03
I have had dizziness come and go, and I find that often it's my ears. Have you been using the nasal spray yet? It could help.

I once had several months of dizziness years ago and it turned out to be neck strain. Your SCM muscles can pull on the area around your ears causing dizziness.


Incidentally I do NOT recommend going to a chiropractor for any neck issues.

19-05-18, 00:19
I have a vestibular problem (diagnosed as vestibular neuritis) that has cause me near constant dizziness/imbalance (when standing or sitting), and while it doesn't sound like what you are experiencing, many of the symptoms of vestibular (inner ear) problems are the same. You mentioned the ENT has said you had something wrong with the Eustachian Tube. From your list, I have been feeling:

#2 - dizzines worse with lots of people around

#3 - ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

#4 - shiny or reflective surfaces like mirrors, clean windows, etc make my dizziness worse. (I would bet that you feel worse symptoms when you go to big department stores or grocery stores, malls, right?)

#5 - intermittent tingling in scalp (for me it's the left side) that goes to the neck sometimes

#6 - heavy head feeling (and a lot of fatigue!)

#7 - much more anxiety than I usually had, and even probably some borderline depressed days where I feel overwhelmed and sad

#9 - tingling in foot/lower leg sometimes (probably from working harder to balance I think)

If this keeps bothering you, you may want to follow up with the ENT. Ask if you should get the mri/ct etc, you probably don't need them but it may give you reassurance (it has for me, although because I'm an anxiety guy I keep finding other things to be afraid of but I have crossed "brain tumor" and "cancer" off my list!)

Additionally, don't feel bad that you are feeling increased anxiety. If you do have an inner ear problem, anxiety kind of comes with it naturally. It sucks, but it's not your fault!


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