View Full Version : A mess again about nodular melanoma

15-05-18, 14:43
Hey guys,..

super crazy, so I seem to have good days.. where I don't even look at my moles and focus on being happy and life..

but I went to see a doctor like a month ago.. this thing on my face was called a skin tag but has none of those traits.. ie. I can't just pull it off and generally I don't think this is what it is. Now I'm convinced it has evolved and I feel petrified.

I have a referral to see a derm about two moles on my back but this appointment is not for god knows how long.. I have yet to even get the referral date and its been since the end of April. Basically, I'm a total mess.. I feel like I'm dying and no one cares. I feel I'm destine to die of melanoma and there is no help for me. It will be too late by the time they catch it. Especially if it is nodular I wouldn't be surprised if I passed quick since I've had this mole since last year.


im a total and utter hopeless mess.

15-05-18, 18:25
Why did melanoma become your trigger? I noticed the other day you were worried about one on your face as well. Has that cleared up?

Hold your horses Lilly. Has the mole grown? What makes you feel like you have internal melanoma or any cancer for that matter, riddling your body?

I’m going to tell you like my counselor tells me-your body is a wonderful thing. It’s not out to betray you. I’m not a counselor and I struggle with HA, GAD, and OCD. I started HA while dealing with Postpartum Anxiety. It’s awful, but help is wonderful. I’ve posted my fair share and I come here when I’m spiraling. I’d recommend looking up EFT Health Anxiety on YouTube. It’s tapping on pressure points and it feels so so so silly, but it’s so calming. Also, maybe relaxation techniques on YouTube as well. I find the Calm app extremely helpful, it’s meditation and stories as well as calming music. It’s the best $12.99 a month I spend on myself.

I was just telling another member that my mother was diagnosed at stage four in 2015. She’s almost three years no eveidence of disease. She lives a normal life, whatever normal may be, but she’s doing wonderful. So don’t jump six feet under, you’re waiting for your appointment. You’re on the right track to getting them checked. While you’re there as for a total body exam to put you at ease. Then you can move forward with a clean slate and only monitor what you are told to monitor. You, WE, have got to live our lives.