View Full Version : brown blood. Very scared. PLEASE resond

15-05-18, 20:19
Please help. I suffer from severe health anxiety. I am 57 and post menopausal. 14 months ago I had post menopausal bleeding. I had a biopsy and womb scrape and nothing sinister was found. I had a smear 2 months ago. it was clear but the nurse noted a cervical polyp. this freaked me out but GP said as it was causing no problems to leave it alone. Tonight I went to the loo and when I wiped there was a lot of what looked like brown blood. It really freaked me out and has sent me spiralling. could it be the polyp? I can't think beyond uterine cancer. I am so scared. does anyone else have any similar experience? please respond if you have.

15-05-18, 20:25
Yup had this before too.

We have quite a few posts about it and nothing sinister was found in any of those cases.

15-05-18, 20:27
Thankyou for your prompt reply. It just came out of nowhere. Could it be the polyp?

16-05-18, 17:41
I have just seen a GP about the brown bleeding last night. It was not my usual GP and she has frightened me to death. She didn't examine me just simply said that it could be cancer and that it could be ' catastrophic' if left. She has put me on an urgent referral and said I must be ready to accept any appointment. I am in a complete mess and so scared. I have first grandson who is 4 months old. I have tried so hard to conquer my HA and am back trying to update my CBT stuff. This has just sent me into a complete tailspin.

16-05-18, 18:40
Well that isn't very reassuring of her is it!

There are loads of reasons for it apart from cancer so please try not to worry too much just yet - I know that is easier said than done.