View Full Version : just had a huge panic attack at work

16-05-18, 07:53
so im on my way to work this morning feeling fine...get into work and i get a feeling of dread and start feeling anxious then because i know im alone in the building it turns into a big panic attack with waves of fear, sweating, shaking, dizziness, and lightheadedness im trying to struggle through this..feel total crap right now...some of it has weared off after going for a walk but i cant stop fidgeting, my breathing is not right and still feeling like i want to pass out...trying to keep busy so messaging on here...this is the first time in a year i have had this...i have been feeling more anxious this eek due to a breakup...dont want to be going back to having these again ;-(:wacko:

17-05-18, 21:44
Hey Kelly,

Have you looked into any coping mechanisms? Breathing exercises, water on the face, meditation? You could also go to a walk-in clinic, the doctor taking your blood pressure and giving you a once over may help alleviate some of the concern.

When I realize I'm alone in my building I can get an attack, with practice I've learned to feel them coming and breathe through them.

I'm seeing a counseller and 'acceptance' is really helping me in multiple areas of my life.

Hope you have a better day!

19-05-18, 02:28
Aww I hope you are better now, panic attacks suck, I had one today