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21-07-07, 17:48
Hello all, I have been suffering on and off from panic attacks/agoraphobia since my 18th. I am now 31. It has gotten better and better, I have done 5 years of psychotherapy and have started CBT a few months back. I bascialy have panic attacks far away from home at night. Other then that, my life is great: i have a gf (who knows about the problem), a great job and a very active social life. So, on a day to day basis i do not suffer from panic attacks anymore (shows that one can get better as this was not the case a few years back!!). My only problem now is going far away from home at night (let's say more then 150 km to 200 km from home). During the day, there is no problem. I live in Brussels and can go to Paris, Amsterdam or London during the day and have done on many occasions, but when night falls I have the sudden urge to get back to my safety zone (basicaly, my safety zone has now become my country, it used to be my house!!). I guess my brain still associates night time far from home as dangerous... which ofcourse, it is not. Does anyone have the same problem? Any advice? I am doing some exposure therapy and slept in Amsterdam last weekend (a big step), but was nervous, but succeeded. Anybody have any tips on how to deal with this? Meds I could use to help me? Ofcourse I should expose as much as possible, but as you can understand not only financialy but also practicaly it is difficult to go abroad every weekend (not to mention i'm anxious about it ...) Thanks and regards, Micha

23-07-07, 17:24
Hi Micha.

It sounds like you are doing well. You have extended your safe zone from your home to your country - thats great. I understand that the restriction on your life is frustrating, but travelling outside your country at other times is a big achievement!

Keep doing what you're doing. You have extended your safe zone hugely. Lots of people (me included) are afraid of the dark. I suppose its part of fear of the unknown, which makes you feel unsafe like you used to away from home. Just stay over when you can. I know that sounds an over-simple reply.... I tend to keep rescue remedy (a herbal remedy) to calm my nerves, and drink camomile tea. I have cut right down on caffeine too which really helps. :-)

23-07-07, 22:36
Hi Micha and :welcome:

Well done for making such brilliant progress, it sounds like you're nearly there and should feel very proud. If we go back to our ancestors it must be natural for our senses to be heightened at night when there's danger with wild animals etc. When I have something ahead which I'm anxious about I write down some positive statements in advance when I'm feeling calm. You could also try some distraction techniques like having a good book at hand and some music.

Take care,