View Full Version : Pancreatic cancer fear

16-05-18, 13:31
So I'm 30. I know the likelihood. But I also know it still happens. Since December I've been having unusual abdominal pain and have been working with my doctor to try and figure out the cause. In January he sent me for an abdominal ultrasound that was clear. Thinking it was acid reflux or gastritis, he but me on acid reducing medication in February, which has not helped. My h. Pylori test that he did was negative. The pain is becoming worse, especially after I eat or drink and my stomach is full. If I'm going on about with my normal activities after eating or even after just drinking a glass of water, it will cramp and sieze up like if I went to the gym to do cardio immediately after eating...which I don't. Saw my doc again on Friday and he ordered blood work for my pancreas, thinking pancreatitis. All of my liver, kidney and pancreas blood work has come back fine and he is referring me to a gastro for an endoscopy. I am worried, as I've heard of pain lasting this long turning out to be pancreatic cancer and by the time it's diagnosed, it's in the late states because the testing has taken so long, especially in someone so young. I've also read one of the signs is pain after eating.

16-05-18, 14:25
During your ultrasound, did they take a look at your gallbladder? Could you have gallstones? Sometimes they can be hard to find, I had mine out in 2009 and it was full of stones. It caused me a lot of pain after eating, especially anything fried,fatty or sugary.

16-05-18, 15:47
I'm not a doc of course, but I would think if you had pancreatic cancer and have pain it would be advanced enough to be causing you a host of other problems like jaundice and wonky blood work. Pain with pancreatic cancer usually doesn't present until late, like you said, so a lot of things would be "off" with your body as a result of such a key organ failing.

Gastritis might be a possibility. The endoscopy should be able to show that.

I know my stomach tends to cramp up when I'm nervous or anxious. It's more of a fullness feeling, not an actual muscle cramp style pain.

16-05-18, 15:54
They did get a good look at my gallbladder. No stones found. In fact, 4 years ago I had a pretty large stone in there and it has disappeared, so they noted that as well. I agree with you, ktdid. Hoping for the best.

16-05-18, 19:31
Hi there, anxiety can cause a range of digestive disorders, pancreatic cancer makes a person extremely ill, you would have lots of other symptoms, so I really think you should stop worrying about that, I'm sure it's probably due to stress or something that's harmless and easy to treat, with ha we always think it's the worst, even though the worst is the least likely, so try not to worry and don't google(it's evil) xxxx

16-05-18, 22:35
So I'm 30. I know the likelihood. But I also know it still happens. Since December I've been having unusual abdominal pain and have been working with my doctor to try and figure out the cause. In January he sent me for an abdominal ultrasound that was clear. Thinking it was acid reflux or gastritis, he but me on acid reducing medication in February, which has not helped. My h. Pylori test that he did was negative. The pain is becoming worse, especially after I eat or drink and my stomach is full. If I'm going on about with my normal activities after eating or even after just drinking a glass of water, it will cramp and sieze up like if I went to the gym to do cardio immediately after eating...which I don't. Saw my doc again on Friday and he ordered blood work for my pancreas, thinking pancreatitis. All of my liver, kidney and pancreas blood work has come back fine and he is referring me to a gastro for an endoscopy. I am worried, as I've heard of pain lasting this long turning out to be pancreatic cancer and by the time it's diagnosed, it's in the late states because the testing has taken so long, especially in someone so young. I've also read one of the signs is pain after eating.

I would say too that it is much more likely to be acid reflux and gastritis. That is common and so is the symptoms you desciribe. Reflux and gastritis is most certainly not painless that is for sure but it wont kill you.
You write "I ahve read" which is an euphemism of "i have been googling".
Being a rabid hypocondriac myself I may be throwing rocjs here but I say to you STOP THAT! It makes your anxiey worse. Stay away from readng more about pancreatic cancer!