View Full Version : How long should a bump on the head feel tender?

16-05-18, 18:29
Last Saturday, whilst trying to do a favour for someone else of course, I had what can only be described as an avalanche in one of my storage units - and I got hit on the head by a tape recorder; you know, the big things that had open reels of tape on them.

I wasn't knocked out or anything but I did have a bump of cartoon proportions for a while. Having immediately checked the Internet for the symptoms and complications of concussion, well, I still seem to be here.

But, that area on my head is still very tender/sore indeed. How long should it last, and is it anything to be concerned about...?

16-05-18, 18:37
There is no way of knowing as everyone heals differently to be honest.

If you have had no other issues since then you should be fine.

16-05-18, 19:07
When I have bruises and bumps, mine have taken weeks to stop hurting, I fell years ago and hit my head on a curb, I had disturbed vision for about half an hour and a huge lump on my head and knee, it took weeks for the sore head to go and months for the bad knee to go, so it can take a while, don't worry you are fine xxxx