View Full Version : Jingle Bells? No, I'm Jingle Pills...

16-05-18, 18:48
Hey all,

Hope you're all well,

Just looking for an online chum to talk to. I have Severe Social Anxiety Disorder, Chronic Depression, Fibromyalgia, Sub Clinical Eating Disorder and now just of last week I have been diagnosed with Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder. I know, right, chuck something else to the list whilst your at it!

I feel like I've really sunken down into a dark abyss, I sink down a lot, but this time it feels different as I finally feel like I no longer have a way out. I wonder sometimes if I even want to, I find no point in doing so, just to end up back here. I get suicidal thoughts a lot and I find them comforting if I'm honest, I mean, for everything to go dark and quiet and literally switch off, I haven't much else going for me in life and I feel like a burden to anyone around me. I feel like my new diagnoses has tipped me over the edge because it just feels like every time I try to cope with my issues or "get better", it seems like life laughs at me and puts me back in the same old grotty place of darkness and despair, Like haha, no!

Somebody who could relate to me or understand would be nice. I need a rain cloud of positive vibes to shower down on me...

Thank you for taking the time to read this,

Take care all :flowers:

16-05-18, 18:55
Hiya EliStarrz and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

19-05-18, 15:04
Good morning EliStarrz

I can relate to what your saying, although I havn't had suicidal thoughts I can definitly relate to feeling like your drowning in the abyss. The best thing I can say at the moment is it can get better. The fact that you are being open and honest is a good sign you want to really get better.

Don't give up on yourself, use the forums here to tell your story. Be honest, I've discovered by telling my story I feel better. It's like a release to let go of the fear, sadness, and anger I carry. NMP has some great resources. Go to the chat rooms, read other peoples stories, I've discover over the last seven years they really help.

Best to you on your journey EliStarrz and remember you have a friends here at NMP.

20-05-18, 17:16
How are you today?
I have a lot of the same things you do and I know how much it sucks.
If you don't mind me asking how old are you?