View Full Version : So scared of Lymphoma or Leukemia

17-05-18, 03:41

So, I've really been up and down with a lot of different worries but my new thought process in one of these horrible illness.

I have two very slight lump at the back of my head, one is on the left side just where my hairline stops. It's hard but it's only about the size of a pin head if not smaller. Since I can't see it it kinda reminds me of a hard lump of course but like a boil/pimple that never went away since I felt it for the first time months ago when scratching the back of my head. The other one of the left side is at the back of my neck which is kinda bigger and felt better when my head is a certain way but always there. Since I've been having a lot of neck stiffness my Mam has put cream on my neck a few times and she never commented on feeling anything. My neck has been very stiff and swore lately to a all most unbearable feeling.

I've become obsessed with checking my body to see if I've had any weight loss, which I've had but I also haven't been eating as much fatty foods as I used because I have acid reflex. Yet I feel like cuts and bruises seem to happen more often and take longer to heal.

I've had on/off issues that could be tension headache/sinus/ cold or other small issues that could be explain away but my mind keeps jumping to the worst case. I had bloods done in February and my Doctor said everything came back perfect. I've also had a chest x-ray (for a different issue), a ultrasound of my stomach, a CT scan of my lower body (kidneys etc) that nothing came back that badly from results.

If I'm not worried about these I'm worried about some other cancer or tumor . It's exhausting. I have had issues with energy levels but I haven't slept well really since last year. I'm trying to stop running to my doctor about every little thing but it always amounts up. I was there three weeks ago when I thought I had a lump in my collarbone area which she dissed. Like I'm meant to be flying for a holiday tomorrow but I can't get these worries out of my head and I so badly just want to enjoy myself like a normal 21 year old :shrug:

17-05-18, 09:42
I'm doing my best to stay calm, I have the classic symptoms of "summer" cold and I've noticed more lumps or hard areas on the back of my neck. Mainly up towards and in/along the right side of my hairline. I'm trying to tell myself it's just muscle or the places are inflamed because of my currently cold or poorness. Of course in my mind it's linking everything to have something majorly wrong with me. I've been mainly good for not poking at it but I do have moments of weakness.

17-05-18, 20:38
Anyone? Please? I feel like I keep finding lumps/hard large masses that are painful by themselves and when touched. I'm feeling like I can't cope.

17-05-18, 20:53
Log off the computer. Stop poking and prodding and do something to distract yourself. Your post is a classic spiral of self examination and panic. You have a cold. Drink plenty of fluids, take an OTC remedy if and get some rest.

Positive thoughts

17-05-18, 20:59
You have had lots of tests that say you’re fine. So you need to believe them.
I’m sorry you’re so down, but it might help to go back to your GP and tell them that you think you have health anxiety. See what they suggest.

But in the meantime- stop googling, stop weighing yourself & poking yourself.
Go relax. Watch a film with your family, take a bath, read a book. Xx

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18-05-18, 21:23
Log off the computer. Stop poking and prodding and do something to distract yourself. Your post is a classic spiral of self examination and panic. You have a cold. Drink plenty of fluids, take an OTC remedy if and get some rest.

Positive thoughts

Thank you for replying! I know I'm being a bit over the top about it. Turning something simple into something sinister. I've actually just gone on holidays today! So hoping here's onwards and upwards. I have a theapry session soon and I'll tell have we have to work on this obsessive behaviour.

---------- Post added at 21:23 ---------- Previous post was at 21:19 ----------

You have had lots of tests that say you’re fine. So you need to believe them.
I’m sorry you’re so down, but it might help to go back to your GP and tell them that you think you have health anxiety. See what they suggest.

But in the meantime- stop googling, stop weighing yourself & poking yourself.
Go relax. Watch a film with your family, take a bath, read a book. Xx

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Thank you for replying! I'm in theapry at the moment to try and deal with things. So there's been some good and some bad days but it seems like there's been a lot more bad lately. I can't always but help but worry if they missed something which I know deep down isn't anyway to live. I actually just went on holidays today! I didn't actually think about my neck for the most of the day. I had a good morning after a earlier morning flight and after some exploring I actually had a nap for about a hour and it's the best I've slept in forever! As the evening comes in the doubt does creep in a little bit as well. I have a therapy session soon! I'll say I want to turn things more towards this health anxiety issue. Thank you so much for replying :hugs:

20-05-18, 22:58
Update: I had a wonderful holiday! Even tho my neck was swore at certain points I manged not to touch it once! And most of the time I didn't even think about it! Which is huge for me. I didn't let it ruin anything.

The only thing was I was exhausted at certain points, like I napped for about a hour and half on both the Friday and Saterday was I was asleep before 2 am both nights! I felt exhausted walking around (and tmi I was rather sweatie at points.) This was very strange to me because I never feel like that or sleep that much. I'm fact I struggle to sleep a lot! I can't remember when I felt like that but it wasnt something I dwell on to much. But I'm putting that down to the fact it was 25 degrees and I'm not used to that heat at all! I drank lots of luipds and eat some good food! I did take a xanax for the flight over as I hate flying but I manged to stay off it the way back! So overall I had a good trip and didn't let any of that stuff really worry me or stop me having fun! Thank you again for everyone who took the time to read this! I hope I can keep the positivey up ��������