View Full Version : Anxiety about my weight loss

17-05-18, 16:50
So I have lost quite a bit of weight since January of 2018 (around 25lbs) and while it's explainable I am freaking out that I have cancer. For one I eat a lot less then I used to. I'm not starving myself and still eat out sometimes but overall I don't have snacks as much and I am eating smaller portions and even follow the serving size and it has gotten less since I have began to notice it. I have been having severe health anxiety since January and I have a tendency to move and pace when I have anxiety and just overall unsettled. I often go for long 20-30 minute walks sometimes twice a day not to mention the walking I do between classes. I also run occasionally with my dad. I also probably lost a good deal of muscle mass because at my new school we do not have a physical education class and I don't have any friends anymore so I am not really playing any sports. I am constantly worried 24/7 since January and am very scared for my life. I am about to graduate high school and just want to be happy and healthy. I have worried about everything from heart problems to just about all the cancers in existence. (I am from America by the way). Do you think this kind of life style would cause weight loss. Please help and thanks
P.S.: Prior to this I used to eat easily more than 3,200 calories a day and now at this point I don't think I even get 2,000 most days

17-05-18, 17:49
The answer to your worry is written in your post.

1 + -.5 = ?

Positive thoughts