View Full Version : Feeling really low about this

18-12-04, 10:51
Hello Gang !

I get patches of skin that feel sometimes like burning (like sunburn although not hot to the touch) and sometimes cold ?

I get this on my left arm and leg along with some tingles and it doesn't half frighten me.

It seems to confirm my fear of MS even though my doctor and neurologist have told me otherwise.

I am slo not sleeping at all well (maybe 2 or 3 hours a night) and I am feeling really low. [V]

18-12-04, 12:24
Hi pnb. I am sure it is all nerve problems even though so hard to believe. I have had skin problems on and off for years and in the end seen a skin specialist who said it was lichen planus and down to stress and worry. That’s without all the other physical symptoms, lots of visits to my GP, also so many different tests that come up blank. I am the same as you I don’t believe its stress at times and think; oh this symptom is different and is sure there is something wrong this time. Bu it then goes in time and another symptom pops up to worry me again. Take care Vernon

18-12-04, 12:50
Hi pnb

Sorry to heer that you are feeling really low:(

" I get patches of skin that feel sometimes like burning"

I have had this symptom on and off, not sure why it happens
but I know that it is a symptom of anxiaty.
My daughter suffered PA anxiaty from the age of 3 she is now 11
and is alot better. she to has had this symptom.

It dose go with time.



All problems have a begining and an end!

18-12-04, 22:09

The tingling is quite common - there are a few posts about it under the symptoms topic - look at the top post in there.

If you have been tested for MS then you won't have it so forget about that and don't linger on it.

I don't sleep well either and that definitely makes you feel worse doesn't it?

Are you taking any vitamin supplements to help at the moment?


19-12-04, 09:35
Thanks Nichola.

THe consultant neurologist performed a full examination of me and said that in his opinion the chances of me having MS were "minute" and that to have an MRI done would be a waste of money.

If only I could accept this maybe I would give myself a chance to recover !

Its just that the symptoms are so distracting and the sleep deprivation so upsetting that it is difficult to accept that this is all caused by thoughts.

22-12-04, 14:18
I've had the feeling of being cold to the touch, but inside it feels like I am cooking from the inside out and my blood is boiling.

I also have mad patches of skin that flare up like little blisters and itch like mad.

Never had the tingling thing. But I know one or two people that have and apparently it is quite common.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'