View Full Version : Worried about head injury (Please, I'm dying inside)

18-05-18, 03:20
So, here's the deal. I'm what you call a RECOVERING hypochondriac. I've worried about many things that now don't bother me. Abdominal aneurysms, Thoracic aneurysms, brain aneurysms, cancers, sepsis, meningitis, and even congestive heart failure. I had managed to defeat all of these fears rather quickly. So imagine my delight when on last Friday, I thought it would be funny to stand on my fiances bed and go for a little jump. Welp, I bounced up, barely got off the bed, and *smack* , I went from giddy to panicking. I had less than a foot of ceiling clearance above me. His ceiling was fairly spiky, and I hit the top of my head, just a few inches from the center. I started bleeding, and immediately went to the ER to assess the damage. I was CT'd one hour after the injury, and told to go home. I wasn't told I was concussed, none of that. Just that I had some head abrasions. I went home and took some Ibuprofen, only to realize that you should never do this after a major head injury. I then got a nagging pain on the top left of my head. I had experienced this before, but now it was combined with ear pain, and eye pain of all things. I instantly dialed 9/11, thinking I was bleeding from the NSAIDs. I won't lie, I fibbed a bit and claimed I hit my head again. I go to the ER, and they say "Chill, you hit your head, take a tylenol, you're fine." . I then followed up 2 days later at a local health clinic, and the practitioner who saw me said I was "Neurologically intact" after making me do a few things. Thus far, I've only had the headache in terms of concussion symptoms. I was fine after that. But yesterday, I read a story about a woman in the UK who smacked her head in the shower, and didn't die for 6 days, as she suffered a sub-dermal hemotoma, which is bleeding in the brain. I then read that sometimes you can whack your head really good, but not have brain bleeding for weeks, and CT's will come back normal. So now I have 2 fears. A.) I was concussed, and that if I whack my head again, I will suffer second impact syndrome and die. And B.) That I will develop a subdermal hemotoma and have massive bleeding and have to undergo ridiculous treatments. I have pressure on the back of my skull, left side, just barely above the neck. Anybody who is informed on head injuries, please, let me hear from you. I need to be able to sleep peacefully and not worry so much. Thanks for reading this wall of text if you did. :)

18-05-18, 13:59
You've been told you aren't concussed. You banged your head and it bled. Any scratch or cut on the head is notorious for bleeding. Your headache will be tension. You've seen 3 specialists all of who have cleared you - you don't have concussion, or subdural bleeding or anything else for that matter