View Full Version : Went for CBC blood test in January......:(

18-05-18, 15:55
I had a normal CBC blood test back in January. I was feeling run down and just wanted to make sure everything 'was ok. I also had some very mild night sweats. Not enough where I would soak the sheets or need to change my clothes, but some dampness under my armpits. But the blood work came back in range and I was relieved.
Why am I now fearing leukaemia?? Can it creep up that quickly, even after a normal cbc 5 months ago??? I feel fine, haven't seemed to lose any weight or anything, but I can't get this fear out of my head and want to constantly go for blood work to rule it out!!
What can I do?? I'm 28 male btw

18-05-18, 17:23
What can I do??

Blood work would have shown if anything was amiss. As far as what to do? Real life professional help and meds if needed.

Positive thoughts

18-05-18, 17:33
I had a normal CBC blood test back in January. I was feeling run down and just wanted to make sure everything 'was ok. I also had some very mild night sweats. Not enough where I would soak the sheets or need to change my clothes, but some dampness under my armpits. But the blood work came back in range and I was relieved.
Why am I now fearing leukaemia?? Can it creep up that quickly, even after a normal cbc 5 months ago??? I feel fine, haven't seemed to lose any weight or anything, but I can't get this fear out of my head and want to constantly go for blood work to rule it out!!
What can I do?? I'm 28 male btw

I get night sweats a lot recently too, but they're exactly the same as your's. I don't soak the sheets, and they're far from drenching. More recently there have been nights where I don't even have them. Surely they wouldn't come and go if there was something serious going on?

I also wake up shaky/chilly too, but my blood is fine also, so I very much doubt either of the "L" words is what's wrong with us.

Night sweats are very common with anxiety too apparently. :yesyes:

18-05-18, 18:19
I get night sweats a lot recently too, but they're exactly the same as your's. I don't soak the sheets, and they're far from drenching. More recently there have been nights where I don't even have them. Surely they wouldn't come and go if there was something serious going on?

I also wake up shaky/chilly too, but my blood is fine also, so I very much doubt either of the "L" words is what's wrong with us.

Night sweats are very common with anxiety too apparently. :yesyes:

Good to know! Thanks.
When was the last time you had your blood tested??

18-05-18, 19:51
Good to know! Thanks.
When was the last time you had your blood tested??

About 4 weeks and 3 weeks ago (they checked it again) and all my counts were fine.

I doubt much changes in 5 months unless you contract some kind of bug/viral thing, but I'm not a doctor. :)

Or to put it another way, you probably didn't have L 5 months ago, so why would you have it now?

18-05-18, 19:56
About 4 weeks and 3 weeks ago (they checked it again) and all my counts were fine.

I doubt much changes in 5 months unless you contract some kind of bug/viral thing, but I'm not a doctor. :)

Or to put it another way, you probably didn't have L 5 months ago, so why would you have it now?

Right! Good point. How often do you usually go for a CBC though??

18-05-18, 20:08
Right! Good point. How often do you usually go for a CBC though??

Normally, it's done once a year with your physical. I have heart disease, I have it done every 6 months.


18-05-18, 20:13
I get night sweats randomly too.....sometimes it's purely from getting too hot and not moving in my sleep to remove the covers/blankets

19-05-18, 01:29
As it is, night sweats can be caused by things. I have sleep apnea, and had extremely bad night sweats until i got it really treated. You can also be sweating because of thyroid disorders, or antidepressants, or even a simple condition (hyperhydrosis) that just makes you sweat too much in general.

While it CAN be a sign of cancer, it is typically associated with other symptoms at that point; if you aren't seeing them, and your blood was good, i wouldn't see a need to stress it.

19-05-18, 21:43
As it is, night sweats can be caused by things. I have sleep apnea, and had extremely bad night sweats until i got it really treated. You can also be sweating because of thyroid disorders, or antidepressants, or even a simple condition (hyperhydrosis) that just makes you sweat too much in general.

While it CAN be a sign of cancer, it is typically associated with other symptoms at that point; if you aren't seeing them, and your blood was good, i wouldn't see a need to stress it.

I may have sleep apnea too, I wake with a dry mouth all the time, and that could be causing my other problems too I guess. (Throat stuff).

It can't be thyroid related they check that out and said it was fine, so I'm still freaking out about the C word. :shrug:

21-05-18, 16:41
Sorry if this thread isn't active anymore, but I wanted to add my two cents from experience. (Definitely not a real doctor. Trying not to be a Google doctor.)

I went to a hematologist for a workup looking for CML or an MPN. The cause of all of this was abnormal blood test results. The anxiety caused me night sweats to the point where I bought an extra in window air conditioner for my bedroom. I had abnormal blood test results for over a year, with a WBC count near 14.

All it took was two in range blood tests for me to be released. No further evaluation. Which is something you already had, a good blood test. Also on my first visit the fact that I "felt fine" made him bluntly tell me that he didn't suspect any cancer.

As for "could something creep up?", I worried about this too. Only thing I was told was, "You'd know."

You're 28. I'm 28. I live in the US where blood tests aren't a part of the yearly physical. I take that as meaning our chances are so low of some sort of life threatening blood issues, that they don't need to screen for them at our age.