View Full Version : Dropping eyelid, afraid of brain cancer

18-05-18, 21:50
So for the past few months I have several seemingly unconnected symptoms (stomach and back aches, loin pain while changing position, brain fog, diarrhea). Some I assume are caused by my anxiety, some I suspect might be problems with spine (loin pain), but recently I've noticed my left eyelid drops when I'm tired or hungover and now I'm scared it's some neurological issue. Does anyone have something similar? I'm seeing the orthopaedist the next week for my spine and back pain, now I'm wondering if I should see the neurologist for my brain fog, dropping eyelid and tiredness.

I'm trying not to panic, but of course I already suspect some cancer (bowel, bone, brain) that metastasized to other parts of my body.

I'm 25 years old female by the way. The dropping eyelid isn't serious, it's not causing problems with my vision and is more of a cosmetic problem as for now. I have something similar to the picture attached. I can make it "gone" if I consciously try to raise it, but if my face is extremely relaxed, it's there. Sometimes it's gone for week or two and comes back after sleepless night or drinking too much.

Other people also notice it, so it's not just my imagination.

18-05-18, 22:24
So for the past few months I have several seemingly unconnected symptoms (stomach and back aches, loin pain while changing position, brain fog, diarrhea). Some I assume are caused by my anxiety, some I suspect might be problems with spine (loin pain), but recently I've noticed my left eyelid drops when I'm tired or hungover and now I'm scared it's some neurological issue. Does anyone have something similar? I'm seeing the orthopaedist the next week for my spine and back pain, now I'm wondering if I should see the neurologist for my brain fog, dropping eyelid and tiredness.

I'm trying not to panic, but of course I already suspect some cancer (bowel, bone, brain) that metastasized to other parts of my body.

I'm 25 years old female by the way. The dropping eyelid isn't serious, it's not causing problems with my vision and is more of a cosmetic problem as for now. I have something similar to the picture attached. I can make it "gone" if I consciously try to raise it, but if my face is extremely relaxed, it's there. Sometimes it's gone for week or two and comes back after sleepless night or drinking too much.

Other people also notice it, so it's not just my imagination.

Hi Boosh. The fact that it comes and goes, flares up when your tired tells me it's tiredness that's causing it.
If it was anything like the things you're worrying about, it wouldn't come and go.

Stress and anxiety can also have an affect on the eyes and eyelids. As we know, tiredness and anxiety go hand in hand.

Ive had a twitching eyelid for 2 weeks. It happens occasionally and Im treating it as another symptom of anxiety, tiredness and stress. I've had a period of HA so it makes sense to me.

I've also had the random pains, sensations and tension in different parts of my body. This is just another example.

If you are still concerned then speak to a GP but, as my doctor said last week, reassurance tends to only bring short-term relief.

How well do you sleep? Your body is probably in need of some rest and relaxation.

19-05-18, 00:14
Cancer doesn't come and go so it can't be that.