View Full Version : There is light at the end of the tunnel

19-05-18, 03:31
I've been meaning to post this for the best part of 6 months but one reason or another I couldn't bring myself to come to this site because I thought it will remind me of all the things that I went through. I'm here to tell you that I've been cured of any and all symptoms of Health Anxiety...there is light at the end of the tunnel. This is my story, copied from a thread I posted in 2016.

"For the past few years my fear of having something wrong with my vision/eyes have taken over my life, as I have had several strange symptoms popping up now and then, but the one that still bothers me the most are halos with rainbow circles around streetlights at night.

I first began noticing them back in early 2015, and therefore I don't really know for how long I have been able to see them, as I never before went around at night time looking for them.
Of course a quick search on the net and very little help offered by Dr. Google as I only found negative information related, I still feel no safer.

Two years later and more than 20 (hopefully) unnecessary and rather expensive visits, to somewhere between 8-10 different eye doctors has resulted in absolute nothing but maybe even more worries.
As nobody have found anything wrong, but I still fear that they all have overlooked something horrible.

Since early 2016 I began noticing at night time, these vibrating circles inside streetlight halos, that looked a lot like
Newton's rings.
Sometimes, when I am inside a shopping mall with these huge bright lights, I often notice them circling outwards around the main light, and not inside a halo shaped circle.
I have tried to explain this several times but I fear that nobody will believe me.

I have a new visit to my eye doctor tomorrow, and searching for this kind of symptom has led me absolute nowhere.

Other symptoms that I have:

1 round circle (no color) in each eye that pops up if I look upwards very fast, or to the sides, and only in very well lit enviroment or in a white bathroom.
Not sure if this is normal or not, but it seems like a lot of people have these symptoms, but not one of my visit to any eye doctors has given me an answer to what it could be.

Sometimes notice a flickering/shaking vision in both eyes, for a couple of seconds when waking up or when squinting and looking at the TV/PC computer screen.

Small spots in vision (both eyes) when waking up, and looks very much like a cluster of small floaters. Disappears within seconds, and if I squint my eyes real hard, it seems like they appear as the shadow of my floaters if I look at the sky in bright daylight.

Starburst from cars (started last year), I only notice them when I look directly at the light.

I guess I could go on for ages, but all of these things have led me nowhere. Nobody have found anything wrong with my eyes, and as I have read about anxiety and visual symptoms, it seems like a lot of the things I see are often related to high anxiety/stress, and I begin to think that it is all just in my head, but then again I am not so sure.[/QUOTE][/COLOR][/COLOR]"

After countless exams I decided that enough was enough. I took Zoloft for one month and the side effects were to much to handle. I quit and decided to take matters into my own hands: I run 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes to 1 hour, wearing myself out to make sure I would be tired when night comes to be able to get a good deep sleep. I tried yoga, enjoyed it for a week but couldn't commit. The benefits of yoga were visible but for me I didn't have the dedication. Running was my drug, and it worked. Besides running I threw myself into stuff that made me happy and that was critical. I read all five books of a song of ice and fire during this period. It was like a trance: I delved into Westeros and I basically lived in Westeros. I went to been every night watching something that made me happy, and that was Family Guy & the Office. The laughs helped me get back to my normal self.

Now I should say that whiles I was doing all these things for the my symptoms were still there, they lasted months, but as time went on I learnt to forget about them. Once I did that I learnt to forget about them, and in time they were not there again. My hormone levels came back to normal and the rest is history.

My advice: find something you love, throw yourself into it and do it. It can be hard, in fact it is very hard, but force yourself to do it. But above all exercise. If you cant run walk, if you cant lift weights, yoga, stretch etc. Diet is also good but I found that diet took a toll on me because It didn't make me happy.

I know Im all over the place but there is cure and it is achievable and Im living testament to that.

21-05-18, 18:20
i just wanted to say that as someone who is going through very similar stuff right now (constantly afraid of going blind, seeing increased starbursts from lights at night, gone to multiple eye doctor who couldn't find anything wrong) this post made me extremely hopeful.

i am usually a very active person & exercise 4-5 days per week but since ive been so anxious for the past couple of week she I haven't been eating enough or working out. you've inspired me to make it a point to work out after work tonight :) thanks for this!

22-05-18, 14:23
Great advice! :D