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19-05-18, 04:02
I woke up 40 minutes ago with left eye lid red and left too lip swollen I also have bites on my left arm as it's mosquito season here I'm worried it's anaphalactic or is it just insect bite I'm alone and scared

19-05-18, 05:05
It does sound like you have been nibbled on by the pesky little blighters. It's the most likely reason as you point out.

Anaphylaxis seems much less likely and wouldn't you be experiencing inflammation to areas mosquitoes can't affect like the throat?

Have you got something to soothe the bites?

What helps to calm you when you feel like this? Perhaps some breathing techniques, relaxing sounds or music, positive self talk, reading or watching TV, etc.

19-05-18, 05:16
Thank you logic does tell me that .. but I actually thought I was going to die of anaphalactic shock as I have read your lips and eyes swell up first ...i have managed to calm my self but my anxiety was sky high so now feel exhausted..thank you for taking time out to answer me ����

19-05-18, 05:40
Yes, that's the classic spike of anxiety/panic and how it skews our thinking to the negative and it all feels so real that other more likely reasons barely register with us. Sometimes it's more about reducing that current anxiety and the thinking becomes easier.

Typical fight or flight really as it doesn't want us to freeze or sit thinking about stuff, it wants action. Unfortunately for us it's firing too often and it's more intense than it should be so it's hard to oppose it, it feels unnatural. But with time you can learn to stop it.

I'm not surprised you feel exhausted, it's the body's way of taking over and making you rest. Be kind too yourself and rest up, don't kick yourself over it. Do some relaxing if you can and see how you feel a bit later.