View Full Version : Pale long indent across left arm...

19-05-18, 17:30
It's a bit of a weird one, but I'm really worrying this is a weird vein or blood clot thing or something...

I can't SEE a vein where it is, but I suddenly noticed a pale indentation running around half the circumference of my arm, above my left elbow crook... I'm hoping it's just an odd crease I've never noticed before, but it's still in a place where the arm doesn't really crease when bent, it seems too high up...

At first I though it was a spontaneous scar because it's quite pale compared to the rest of me and I was like 'hang on, I've never been hurt there, at least not like that!' It's almost as if it's either been creased (but I always have my arms outstretched at the keyboard) or something was really thin and tight in that area and left a mark or something (but I've been wearing short sleeves).

I feel no pain, and the blood's circulating to my fingernails so I'm not outright panicking yet, but I'm worrying that area feels a bit off (kinda nerve-y), and 'cause I'm getting nerve-y sensations in my left thumb/hand and in other random spot on my body, and ever so slight achey/tingly feeling in my lower arm and palm (though I hope I'm just over-thinking it)... I swear, it looks too far up the arm to be caused by an elbow and there's nothing like that on my right arm...

Has anyone ever had this? o_o

19-05-18, 22:56
Hi there

Can confirm that I have many of these pale indents on various parts of my body and all of them different shapes. Had them for what must be years now so if they're anything to worry about I probably would know it by now.

Also the tingling isn't anything to worry about, i get this at least every 2 hours in my hands, fingers, legs you name it. Sometimes for no real reason at all.

Take care