View Full Version : OCD checking stools for 6 months. Please help

19-05-18, 22:33
I have been going to therapy to help me deal with my compulsive checking stools for blood behaviour. However, I have found it hard to stop checking and today as I was checking noticed streaks of blood for the 3rd time in 6 months AND it’s only because I physically check for blood , any normal person wouldn’t notice these streaks as they they are pin sized. I dunno what to do with myself wasted 6 months of my life fixated on my stools. What could I do? I don’t even know where the blood is coming from which is also making me very stressed out :(

19-05-18, 22:38
I have been going to therapy to help me deal with my compulsive checking stools for blood behaviour.... What could I do?

Keep going to therapy! Nothing anyone says here will stop you cold turkey. It's a process and you need to work with your therapist on changing your mindset and self destructive behaviors.

Positive thoughts