View Full Version : Heartattack Worry

20-05-18, 16:51
Hey all, here I was having a great last week, then all of sudden, starting on wed, I have been having sharp pain in left breast, not chest, but left breast, it went away and then didn't have anything on Thursday, Friday just one sharp pain, then Sat it started at 11 am and is still going off and on funny thing is when I sleep I don't feel it but as soon as I wake up, I feel it, I can pinpoint right where it is, and I keep going over symptoms of heart attack for women in my head and I am not having any of those, but yet my HA is telling me it's a heart attack, hubby is refusing to take me to ER or clinic as I have had these same pains before four or five years ago, but I don't recall them lasting all day. I keep telling myself I am okay, but in the back of my head I am not sure, I keep telling myself if it were a heart attack my symptoms would be getting worse, and the pain would be radiating elsewhere. I am so sick of the HA and anxiety.

20-05-18, 16:58
I have had a heart attack so believe me you would know if it was one.

It could be muscular.

What are you doing to treat the HA?

20-05-18, 17:10
It'll probably be muscular, under your breast area there are a complex set of muscles that can strained, just like anywhere else on your body. I've had a sharp stabbing pain in both chest sides in the past, and it has been from over exertion doing some repetitive gardening or something. If your husband is refusing to take you, then he clearly doesn't think theres anything serious - and you've had it before and it went anyway !

20-05-18, 17:11
I have had a heart attack so believe me you would know if it was one.

It could be muscular.

What are you doing to treat the HA?

Exactly! I've had two. You wouldn't be posting here if you were having a heart attack I assure you!

Positive thoughts

20-05-18, 19:55
Chostochondritis. You wouldn't have have a 4 day heart attack. I get sharp pains in the chest all the time and have come to accept them as muscular or musculoskeletal

21-05-18, 01:24
Thank you all for the reassurance, as I said its in my left breast on the side closest to center of chest. I am meditating and going over symptoms in my head of heart attacks in women, Nicola if I may ask what were your symptoms? Fish wow two, of them? I think what is triggering this is when I was small my dad's dad babysat me over night, he was in his 60s I think may even have been closer to 70 he went home the next day and was found dead three days later, he had had one as soon as he came home from babysitting me, had another grandpa that died of one at 36, but he was a smoker. Me, I am overweight, I have recently lost 53 pounds, still have a lot to go, I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs, i in the last year cut a lot of sodium out of my diet, rarely eat anything that is processed, fried or a lot of sugar, and rarely do I eat red meat .I don't drink soda anymore have given that up a month ago, I am 45, and have been healthy all my life except for blood pressure that runs 140-141/90-96 sometime it goes to 155/96 when at psychiatrist office, they take my blood pressure there, you are correct if this were I wouldn't be posting or having it for four days now and hubby would have taken me if something were wrong.

21-05-18, 05:52
I have had a heart attack so believe me you would know if it was one.

It could be muscular.

What are you doing to treat the HA?

Me too and if it was a heart attack you wouldn't be typing.

21-05-18, 08:32
Thank you, Phil I am happy to say, I haven't had the pains in almost three hours

21-05-18, 09:06
I agree with the rest! I've had same fear for same kind of symptoms but everywhere it says that if you can pinpoint the pain area it is NOT a heart attack! :)

21-05-18, 10:01
Tinttu, you are correct, and I should have known that :)

21-05-18, 14:20
Thank you all for the reassurance, as I said its in my left breast on the side closest to center of chest. I am meditating and going over symptoms in my head of heart attacks in women, Nicola if I may ask what were your symptoms?.

Chest pain in the centre that wasn't my normal chest pain I got with anxiety and a pain down my right arm. I just knew something wasn't right.

21-05-18, 17:47
Thank you for replying, Nicola, the pains ended last night, felt a couple of twinges this morning, but I caught myself tensing up that area, some odd reason I will tense up the muscles in that side only when I am anxious

22-09-19, 04:21
Here I go down the rabbit hole again, yesterday I felt fine, haven't had HA in awhile , today I woke up with a crampy stomach like I was hungry, took a shower went to Costco with hubby got a hotdog and iced coffee from there hubby got the same, I ate came home kept having stomach cramps and had diarrhea then vomiting, had it once more an hour later and mild back pain but I can pinpoint the pain my rational self tells me I possibly have tummy issue or food poisoning from something I ate last night, but HA quickly goes to heart attack, even though I am having no other symptoms. No fever no other aches just a bit tired and mild tummy cramps afraid to eat as I don't want to throw up again, I should note I also had a mild panic attack.

22-09-19, 18:34
Sounds like you caught a stomach bug. Or else the Costco hotdog!

22-09-19, 23:38
Sparky thinking you are correct feel a bit better today just a bit tired and shaky.

bin tenn
23-09-19, 02:24
Sparky thinking you are correct feel a bit better today just a bit tired and shaky.

That's understandable, and happens any time I've been ill with something like a stomach bug. I usually feel quite weak and shaky for a few days afterward, until I regain my strength. I also feel that way when I've been overly anxious.

23-09-19, 22:16
bin tenn thanks for your reply I was able to hold down food, guessing it was a combo of anxiety and a stomach bug.

bin tenn
23-09-19, 23:55
bin tenn thanks for your reply I was able to hold down food, guessing it was a combo of anxiety and a stomach bug.

Hope you feel well soon!