View Full Version : About to start Cipralex

20-05-18, 17:35
Hello again,

I am going to start Cipralex 5mg on Wednesday and I am a little bit scared about it. The last time that I tried it, it didn't end up going very well, but I don't have many options because I cannot really function.

On the plus side, the doctor will be combining it with 4 mg of Ativan a day, plus the Lopressor that I am currently taking.

I have one question for you guys. I seem to be having stomach problems that I think are from stress, but is it possible that Lexapro will affect my stomach? I mean, I have to stop my Nexium(endoscopy did not really show anything except mild gastritis)and I will be taking a few pills a day. I will be on 5mg for a week and then go to 10 mg and wait 2 weeks there. The doctor said it might be enough, so we will see if we will need to up it.

Has lexapro caused anyone any stomach troubles or even in your head caused you to think that it did? If it doesn't work the doctor has given me alternatives, but I heard that It works wonders for GAD/Panic attacks that I have so I will do whatever it takes. Also any advice or anything I should pay close attention to?

Thank you,

21-05-18, 06:11
I was on 10mg for 5 yrs with no probs with the stomach or anything else.
Like you I started on 5 then went to 10 and it was enough.
Side effects were minimal if at all.
The fact that your Dr is combining it with Avitan should make it easy.
I would recommend Cipralex to anyone considering it.

21-05-18, 12:53
Thank you for your kind opinion.

I had a few difficulties the last time that I started with the Lexapro(panic attacks, nervousness), so I am very stressed about it. I was not taking the Ativan back then though, so I am hoping that now those effects will not be as intense if they exist at all.

How long does it normally take to see any signs of improvement?


21-05-18, 16:46
Have you started the Cipralex yet, and how are the side effects? I think I will be switching soon from Citalopram to Escitalopram (Citalopram seems to have "pooped out"), and I'm really anxious about switching!

21-05-18, 19:03
No, I am about to start it in two days. The doctor wanted me only on anti anxiety medication for 4 days before I start an SSRI.

I think that the two you mention are similar pills, but I will update about the side effects when I start taking the pills.

The first time I took them they made me feel more anxious, but from what I have read, it is to be expected as the body adjusts to the medication.

Hopefully some of the people here that are taking it will be able to let us know about their experiences.

21-05-18, 23:55
Thank you for your kind opinion.

I had a few difficulties the last time that I started with the Lexapro(panic attacks, nervousness), so I am very stressed about it. I was not taking the Ativan back then though, so I am hoping that now those effects will not be as intense if they exist at all.

How long does it normally take to see any signs of improvement?


Mr Dr started me with 5mg Valium to help with side effects and I didn't really notice how long it took.
It was a gradual thing and one day I realised things were good.
Hope you have the same sort of experience. :yesyes:

22-05-18, 09:54
I suffer with gastritis and take a PPI Lansoprazole as and when needed. It didn't make my stomach any worse and in fact, due to stress and anxiety, it is actually better since the medication has kicked in. I was just very nauseous for a few weeks when I first started taking it, but nothing major, was still able to go to work etc.

22-05-18, 17:09
Mr Dr started me with 5mg Valium to help with side effects and I didn't really notice how long it took.
It was a gradual thing and one day I realised things were good.
Hope you have the same sort of experience. :yesyes:

Haha, I hope so. I will be taking 3 dosages through the day of 1mg of lorazepam, so I hope it will be a smooth ride lol!

23-05-18, 18:08
So, I just started with the pill today. Due to the fact that I am taking it together with other medication that calm me down, it has not made me anxious like other times. It has though made me feel nausea, upset stomach, etc.

Does anyone know if it is one of the side effects and if so how long after does it subside?
Also, the doctor told me I could use Nexium(I have gastritis), but I was worried because of Serotonin Syndrome. He still looked and told me not to worry about it, but I just wanted to check if anyone else is taking Nexium and Cipralex/Lexapro.

24-05-18, 18:20
How are you doing today, JohnnyPanic?

I've never taken Nexium, but I don't think taking both could cause serotonin syndrome. My husband has been on Citalopram for years and before that a different antidepressant, and he's had to take Nexium off and on for ulcers throughout that time. His doctor has always prescribed both at the same time, and he's never had any issues with serotonin syndrome.

Nausea, upset stomach, etc. can be start up side effects. I had an upset stomach, not constantly but sporadically, when I first started Citalopram. For me, it lasted about 4 weeks, but I also was started at a larger dose than you are, and then bumped up to the max dosage of Cit after only a week. Starting at a lower amount means the side effects will be less.

I've also heard that, in general, Escitalopram has fewer and milder side effects when starting than many of the other antidepressants. So, your stomach problems could go away in just a few days, or be very mild.

25-05-18, 14:29
Hello NervousKel,

I am doing alright I guess. It is my 3rd day on the Lexapro/Citalopram and it has been rough at times.

My doctor had given me other choices as well, but I wanted to start with Lexapro because I heard that it does a very good job for anxiety/panic.

I talked to the doctor again today and he reassured once more that it will be ok to take them together, so I will do that starting tomorrow.

I will say that the roughest part is the Stomach Pain/Upset/Nausea from the pills. I am in constant upset, have no appetite at all and because of that i get all jittery as well. I hope that it will not last too long... I am supposed to up the dosage to 10 mg in 4 days and see how it goes.

There are many times that I feel like I want to give up, but I am trying to think that I have to be patient and things will get better after a while.

Thanks for all the responses

28-05-18, 02:36
Hi Johnny
Funny how it affects different people.
I didn't have any of that. :shrug:

28-05-18, 23:21
How are you doing now, John? I'm hoping no news is good news:-).

I switched my meds this morning, and started on 5 mg. of the Escitalopram. So far, no side effects except a very minor stomach ache about two hours after I took the pill, probably due to taking it on an empty stomach.

I plan on taking the 5 mg. for 5 more days, and then moving up to the 10 mg.

29-05-18, 06:54
Yes, different people get affected in different ways.

I have a few issues with the pill, but I am trying to hang in there until I see the benefits that it has to offer. What I have been noticing is a little bit of an increase of my anxiety before taking the pill, which might be in my head as well.

For me, the most annoying side effect is the stomach pain/upset/nausea. it is possible that I am so affected by it because I already have GI issues(gastritis,IBS,GERD), and also because I am scared of taking the Nexium to help the situation. I tend to listen to Dr. Google a lot and I read that it can double the concentrations in the blood, so that scared me on not taking it.

Today is my last day on 5mg and I will be switching to 10 mg tomorrow. It has been a rough week on the 5 mg, but it passed and I hope that things will get better soon.


29-05-18, 19:18
That's a good attitude to have :-). One week down, and you're that much closer to having the Escitalopram start to kick in.

01-06-18, 16:29
How is it going now that you've moved up to 10 mg?

Tomorrow was supposed to be my last day at 5 mg, but I've decided to hold off a bit. I can handle the side effects I'm having now, but I'm nervous about what will happen when I move up to 10.

01-06-18, 19:00
Hey there :)

So, today I am on my 3rd day on the 10 mg. The first day at 10 mg was very smooth. I was super tired and sleepy all day long. Now the 2nd and 3rd day have been a little bit more difficult for me.

I do experience a little bit of an increase of anxiety(not too much though), but the worse for me is the nausea that its causing. Day 7 on 5 mg most of the side effects were kinda gone, but I had to move up.

I understand that you are nervous, but I am sure you will do totally fine! If I can do it, that was always scared of pills, you will do it as well :) Just hang in there and remember that it gets a bit worse before getting better!

If you need anything else, let me know!

02-06-18, 21:05
It sounds like you are doing really well:-)!!