View Full Version : Eaten glass dust!!!

20-05-18, 19:33
Lately , I have been doing fine with my anxiety. But, today ,it went off the charts. I was just sitting playing games on my phone when the phone fell off my hand and the screen protector was broken with a lot of cracks. I tilted the phone to see if there was any crack on the screen too,but then a few small pieces fell from the screen protector. I am worried thinking what if I had swallowed any of the pieces. Felling terrible right now.

20-05-18, 19:40
Did you turn it upside down over your open mouth? No? End of story...

Positive thoughts

20-05-18, 19:41
Yes I did actually, I was telling my brother about it.��

20-05-18, 20:00
Yes I did actually, I was telling my brother about it.��

So, you're saying you were playing games with your phone, dropped it and the screen protector broke. You then opened your mouth and tilted the phone over your open mouth? Forgive me, I just can't fathom that actually happening :lac:

Even if a minute piece of glass somehow managed to find it's way down your throat without you noticing it, it will pass in a day or so.


20-05-18, 20:05
Thank you brother. I was talking with my brother about the incident while checking the screen for any cracks.

A question not related to topic. One of my uncle died of cancer. I was told that one day he went for biopsy and the wound from the test was left in treated which later on developed to cancer. Can it be possible? As far I know cancer is the development of bad cells ? Or can any internal wound becomes cancer.

20-05-18, 20:10
In A word NO A wound can become very septic ect but it cant turn in to cancer HTH :) ATB