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20-05-18, 22:46
Hey, at the moment I am extremely anxious about my relationship with my boyfriend. We have been together for 6 months and it's kind of been a whirlwind relationship, where everything happens so fast. I met his children & he asked me & my daughter to move in with him. I explained to my boyfriend early on that I had GAD & tried to explain it best I could.

At first he seemed very supportive but as time is going on. I find him being less supportive & feel he thinks I'm using my GAD as an excuse for my moods, behaviour. A few months ago, I asked him to visit some forums to get an idea of how GAD effects people, so he had a better understanding of what he can expect from me as a sufferer. He said he understands and he will look into it. As far as I know he hasn't done it. I need to feel supported in my relationship!

We are in the process of moving in together but because of my GAD, I needed to move in quick and he is just laid back and in no massive rush for anything. My anxiety is worsening as time goes on and I'm now doubting if this was the right move to make. Today I have been looking at properties just for myself & my daughter but I might change my mind tomorrow if my anxiety settles down. I'm all over the place at the moment, so unsettled. I just want to live a happy quiet life with as little anxiety as possible.

We had a fall out yesterday because he had my car but I had plans to visit family and as time wore on, I became more anxious about being late. I called him, he said 15 minutes, half hour later, I called again he said he was on his way. By the time he got to me with the car my anxiety was out of control cause I was now late and it affected my whole night. He txt me last night, saying I don't know what your problem is and I hope this isn't the way your gonna be all the time! I think he's manipulating me. He decided to not be contactable all day. I tried to call him this morning, so obviously the anxiety kicks in, has he had an accident on his motorbike, maybe he walked home last night & got attacked, etc. He finally txt me at 3.45pm. By that time my anxiety was at an all time high, I came home, took co-codomol and went to bed. I think he's playing games and deliberately causing me more anxiety. I can't bring myself to txt back, I'm so angry at him.

What do you read between the lines peeps. It is me that's causing this or my GAD or him? Like to hear your thoughts. Don't know what action to take next, please help 🙄

21-05-18, 06:14
Hey, at the moment I am extremely anxious about my relationship with my boyfriend. We have been together for 6 months and it's kind of been a whirlwind relationship, where everything happens so fast. I met his children & he asked me & my daughter to move in with him. I explained to my boyfriend early on that I had GAD & tried to explain it best I could.

At first he seemed very supportive but as time is going on. I find him being less supportive & feel he thinks I'm using my GAD as an excuse for my moods, behaviour. A few months ago, I asked him to visit some forums to get an idea of how GAD effects people, so he had a better understanding of what he can expect from me as a sufferer. He said he understands and he will look into it. As far as I know he hasn't done it. I need to feel supported in my relationship!

We are in the process of moving in together but because of my GAD, I needed to move in quick and he is just laid back and in no massive rush for anything. My anxiety is worsening as time goes on and I'm now doubting if this was the right move to make. Today I have been looking at properties just for myself & my daughter but I might change my mind tomorrow if my anxiety settles down. I'm all over the place at the moment, so unsettled. I just want to live a happy quiet life with as little anxiety as possible.

We had a fall out yesterday because he had my car but I had plans to visit family and as time wore on, I became more anxious about being late. I called him, he said 15 minutes, half hour later, I called again he said he was on his way. By the time he got to me with the car my anxiety was out of control cause I was now late and it affected my whole night. He txt me last night, saying I don't know what your problem is and I hope this isn't the way your gonna be all the time! I think he's manipulating me. He decided to not be contactable all day. I tried to call him this morning, so obviously the anxiety kicks in, has he had an accident on his motorbike, maybe he walked home last night & got attacked, etc. He finally txt me at 3.45pm. By that time my anxiety was at an all time high, I came home, took co-codomol and went to bed. I think he's playing games and deliberately causing me more anxiety. I can't bring myself to txt back, I'm so angry at him.

What do you read between the lines peeps. It is me that's causing this or my GAD or him? Like to hear your thoughts. Don't know what action to take next, please help ��

Oh dear, not good and what was he doing with your car, where's his own? He sounds narcissistic and you don't want to be in a relationship with one of those. Take your daughter and get your own place. As for your b/friend you need to off-load him, as a narcissist will only cause you major anxiety, pain and heartache and likely leave you in debt. Be strong and set a good example for your daughter.

I suggest you read the resources available at https://www.melanietoniaevans.com/

21-05-18, 16:21
From reading your post, I don't believe he has an understanding of anxiety disorder nor what it can do to a person.

Personally, having been married to a woman who suffers from mental illness (depression and hoarding) as well as having a daughter that suffers from depression and anxiety, it's vital that he gains an understanding. Mental illness is challenging for all involved. If you're in therapy, perhaps have him speak with your therapist to gain a better understanding of your situation.

Not even having to read between the lines, I see immaturity and lack of consideration on his part and uncertainty in your feelings as well as ramped up anxiety due to that and his actions on yours.

Ultimately, you need to do what's best for you and your daughter.

Positive thoughts

25-05-18, 22:01
If he can't understand the situation, or he doesn't want to understand, he CAN'T be with you. This is something that you fight on your own and it's vital that your partner will get that and give you a helping hand, another perpective of things so that you can evolve and vise versa. You have to think about your daughter, is she wanting to move to a house with a man that you have a relationship for such a sort period of time? You have to think and make desicions.

25-05-18, 23:06
If he can't understand the situation, or he doesn't want to understand, he CAN'T be with you. This is something that you fight on your own and it's vital that your partner will get that and give you a helping hand, another perpective of things so that you can evolve and vise versa. You have to think about your daughter, is she wanting to move to a house with a man that you have a relationship for such a sort period of time? You have to think and make desicions.

Exactly right. Your first responsibility is to your daughter, then see to hers and your happiness together. You are under a moral obligation to put her first, anything else comes later on and only then with a mature, caring, loving partner.

29-05-18, 21:42
My daughter is always my no 1 priority and as she is a teenager, I involve her in making decisions and take her views very seriously as always. I have known my partner for over 20 years and was a friend before we became a couple. I move into a new home with my daughter on Friday and I am working on my relationship with my boyfriend. Thank you all for your thoughts!