View Full Version : Lower right back pain convinced it's something serious - appendicitis worries

21-05-18, 03:29

For the past week I've had a horrible pain in my lower right back.

The dull ache is there almost constantly and it comes in spasms of being much worse. The pain alsmost feels like I've been punched in that area and it's now bruised (I've not had any accidents that I'm aware of) it's definitely a sort of throbbing 'sicky' pain rather than a sharp one. It's almost like period pain in a way....
It got a tiny bit better in the week And then yesterday it got bad again out of nowhere to the point where it was hurting so badly when I walked!

I'm going to the doctor tomorrow because the pain is stressing me and waking me at night but as of right now it's woken me and I'm terrified of going back to sleep.

I have fully convinced myself it's an appendicitis, a serious kidney infection or some form of undetected cancer.

I don't have any other symptoms apart from excessive gas (sorry)

Can someone help me rationalise so I can get some sleep tonight? I have hot water bottle on the pain but it's making me feel sick :weep::weep:

21-05-18, 03:36
My dad had his appendix out if it were your appendix you would know it would happen quickly not wait a week and it would have ruptured by now, appendix pain happens in front and very painful like bad stomach ache , are you drinking enough water? Could be kidney infection

21-05-18, 03:47
My dad had his appendix out if it were your appendix you would know it would happen quickly not wait a week and it would have ruptured by now, appendix pain happens in front and very painful like bad stomach ache , are you drinking enough water? Could be kidney infection

Thanks for replying.

I've drunk plenty of water and not had any other symptoms like a fever or painful urination etc but yeah it still could be my kidney, that's what I'm worried about :sad: and I can't do anything about it until I see the doc tomorrow

21-05-18, 05:29
You could have also pulled a muscle. Anxiety can also do off things to our bodies, give us pain in odd places

21-05-18, 06:04
Maybe it's a nerve spasm? I've had those in my lower back (comes on as an anxiety symptom sometimes for me) and a worse one in the base of the back of my skull. The skull one was pretty unpleasant, went on for weeks and throbbed all night so I could barely sleep as it was making me grimace from it.

If it's something like a nerve spasm then there may be things you can try such as stretches but please read about it first or ask your doctor just in case it needs rest.

It could even be sciatica. Not everyone gets that down the leg although it very common. Does your left leg feel quite tight down the back of the hamstring and calf? Any tingling in the foot? If it's sciatica then stretches are on the NHS Choices website and there are loads of vids/sites on the internet for stretches for this. TENS machines are good as a quicker form of relief too.

21-05-18, 08:31
Good advice ,Terry, I didn't think of sciatica, my husband has that a lot and yep his lower back hurts, sometimes his leg

21-05-18, 13:51
Unfortunately I am currently in A&E, the doctor sent me straight here after taking a urine sample and my heart rate and temperature.

I have a high up kidney infection so I'm just in a cubicle in A&E, I've had my intravenous antibiotics and I'm still on my drip.

I've just had a chest x-ray and now I'm just waiting.

Considering I am agoraphobic this is one of the hardest things I've ever been through.

I am an absolute mess, I've had about fifty thousand panic attacks and being surrounded by all these seriously ill people is really testing me!

So many intrusive thoughts about dying I really am on the edge but trying to hang in here

21-05-18, 17:58
Kidney infections are easily treated, my father in law used to drink a beer a day and never had one. I know it's tough being there with agoraphobia, I have that as well, at least you went and now have relief as to what it is, you'll be fine. rest and get well.

22-05-18, 09:15
Kidney infections are easily treated, my father in law used to drink a beer a day and never had one. I know it's tough being there with agoraphobia, I have that as well, at least you went and now have relief as to what it is, you'll be fine. rest and get well.

Thanks for your kind words

I am back home now.

They thought I had sepsis so the whole ordeal was really scary but I somehow managed to get through, it's amazing what we can do when we're actually sick and it's not just the anxiety talking...

22-05-18, 19:11
I am glad it wasn't sepsis, I am glad you were able to overcome your agoraphobia and go get the help, I know it was hard for you to do so, I can so relate to that. How are you feeling today? Yes it's amazing what we can do when our bodies do get sick. So happy you went to hospital.