View Full Version : las vegas !!!!

22-07-07, 20:07
hi everyone

well my daughter and her boyfriend have told me today that their going to be married november 2008 in las vegas, now ceri is my only daughter and i dont want to miss seeing her getting married, ive told her i will go as she really wants me there, her dad wont go as hes terrified of flying,which is a shame but he said he will watch it via the internet, now the dilemma im agoraphobic and have really bad anxiety just going to the shop on my own is bad enough, but to sit on a plane for 12 hours, travel on a coach for 5 hrs to london cause thats where weve got to fly from,i really and truly dont want to let her down, ive got 15 months to get sorted , my sister has already said she will go and i can be with her which is a great relief what can i do in the mean time to help myself reach that goal which to me is huge

any comments will be truly appreciated

thanks for reading this

denise :ohmy:

22-07-07, 20:58
Well, I think when something as big as this is in the offing, you can find you can do it!

I know you can do it Den, it's just a case of self-belief half the time :)

Ray :hugs:

22-07-07, 21:07
Den you can and will do this hun :hugs: and if you cant I will be mum for a day lol. Viva Las Vegas :D Please don't make your daughter do with a mad Irish woman. xxxxx

22-07-07, 21:37
Hi Denise

This is great motivation and what a lovely goal to see your daughter getting married.

It could help to break this down into more manageable goals. As you say you've got 15 months so perhaps set yourself a weekly or monthly goal to work towards.

You can do it!


22-07-07, 22:40
What about working on self esteem and self confidence - they're super qualities to possess aren't they.

Try Glenn Harrold for self-hypno cd's and also Paul Mckenna (think they both do one for flying phobias too) and Louise Hay for affirmation cards.

Den you can do whatever you believe you can do and are a strong capable woman. There that's a start. :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

22-07-07, 23:57
:yesyes: thanks for all your replies guys there most welcome :yesyes:

denise :shades: