View Full Version : emetophobe and IBS sufferer- yaaay!

21-05-18, 15:36
Heyy guys!

Im actually quite a regular on the emetophobe site which is currently down. I say I have emetophobia but when my stomach issues leave me alone, it seems my phobia does too. UNTIL of course someone I know is sick..or, worse..IM sick. Im not too sure how severe I am but I am learning to seize each "good" day ..I.E.when Im not running to the bathroom a few times a month after eating an innocent meal...or avoiding eating cos of some self inflicted mild nausea..for example, today I went out in the 24degree heat on an empty stomach having had a strong coffee(I CANT DRINK IT ANYMORE) and I feel 100% healthy right now but Im about to go to a BBQ and plan to literally have a few bites of a well cooked sausege. My phobia was getting better last year, I had a full time job and a crush at work who distracted me and became my "focus" all year but when he left, and i was made redundant, I noticed my anxiety flared up. Eventually I caught a 24 hour virus in december where I nearly threw up for the first time in 16 years and since then I have dropped a stone in weight. Im getting better as Im eating more now and this time of year does my immunity nothing but good as there arent as many bugs to be caught etc....butttt, I told myself after a rough start to the year of frequent stomach upsets that life IS too short and though theres NOTHING worse than having stomach issues, I will not let it be my no.1 priority anymore which controls my life. It will be a metaphorical thorn in my side til I die but no matter how much it is there, it wont beat my "good" days when Im singing or with my friends and family. I have gone through a nice 6 week stint with hardly any IBS issues which has been very weird as I have eaten everything under the sun and been ok for the most part.
For those who have IBS AND emet, I am here with you in this non hell-hell. Its ok to want to die rather than getting sick, but thats only our minds not realising that without these issues, life is precious..I have been an entire different person since my stomach has calmed down and Im gonna try and combat each "bad" day with the reminder that I am very blessed to be alive

21-05-18, 15:41
Hiya jalapeno1234 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: