View Full Version : Strong Pain in right chest scared of Lung Cancer

21-05-18, 16:12
On Wednesday of last week I came home from a jog. I pushed myself a little and taking off my shirt and sweat shirt I had a pain in my upper right chest toward the center. It started hurting more through out the day and the next. I kept running the next three days. I can press on my chest and feel the exact pain it feels like a line of pain going across a few inches. It hurts when flexing bending or lifting. Then yesterday I was driving home from a friends house and sneezed that’s when I felt that pain so strongly and it felt like a rip in my chest. Now almost any movement sends me in pain. I did my Sunday chores and was in agony when scrubbing the floors or polishing the table. :( I’ve gone from one health fear to the next and even recently.. last week before the chest pain I thought I had a brain tumor and before that throat cancer and pancreatic cancer. One reason I fear lung cancer is because my grand father died of it, he was not a smoker. He was over 20 years older than me when he was diagnosed. I’m in my mid 30s and a non smoker. This pain came on fast. No wheezing, coughing or being out of breath. I have a doctors appointment Friday. I’m terrified of going to the doctors.

21-05-18, 16:24
Frankly it sounds like you injured yourself somehow... pulled muscle etc. The fact that it hurts when performing certain actions or motions affirms it. Let us know how you get on.

Positive thoughts

21-05-18, 16:28
Sounds muscular to me.

I don't think lung cancer hurts like that so how did you come to that conclusion?

21-05-18, 16:37
Because the pain is so strong. And I don’t remember what hurt it. Every time I stand up or sit down or reach or bend. It’s so painful. I hate this fear.

21-05-18, 16:41
Well it sounds very much like you’ve pulled something, especially as it hurts when you exert yourself. It’ll get better in a few days, go see your doctor if it doesn’t.

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21-05-18, 16:42
Yeah and that is muscular - not cancer.

21-05-18, 19:41
My grandfather (step) died of lung cancer, he smoked since he was nine he died at 79, he had pains in his side not chest and he would cough nonstop , as well as wheeze, he also would get very tired, to the point he was going to dr. Every week for vitamin b12 shots. Are you a smoker? You say your grandfather wasn't a smoker but died of it, did his father, mother, smoke? Did he hang out with people that smoked a lot? If so, he could have gotten the cancer from second hand smoke. Note I said could have. To me your issue sounds like you strained and pulled a muscle

22-05-18, 04:04
He did not live around smokers. He did work with pesticides though.

---------- Post added at 03:04 ---------- Previous post was at 03:00 ----------

I don’t smoke

22-05-18, 04:04
That can cause it ,not always but can

30-05-18, 22:07
Sounds more like a muscle strain. Try Ibuprofen + Paracetamol and see how you go.

My ex has lung cancer, it didn’t start with a pain, she only got that much later on in her rib and back of the rib area. It started with what was like COPD and got worse. I’m sure you’re all good!