View Full Version : Back and stomach pain!

21-05-18, 16:28
Hi first post here :mad:

About a month ago I started getting back pain, it is mainly spasms and not constant pain which I put down to how I was sleeping.

A week or so on I developed pins and needles in my arms, really odd! On another day I felt dizzy, developed chest pains, tightness, pins and needles on one arm and alsorts so I took myself to A&E thinking heart attack... I had a few tests and ECG, heart was fine. I put this down to a panic attack... The symptoms mostly went away a day later.

Now my back pain remains the same and isn't intense enough for me to bother too much about but I have developed a new symptom. Basically I was sat down at work and I felt pain in my stomach, the kind you get when you have eaten something bad but I didn't feel sick and I am eating just fine. This has happened every day since and it comes on after 6-7 hours of sitting on each day.

I've realised this isn't my stomach but my abs muscles tensing and refusing to relax and it only goes away when lying down or after a nights sleep. Basically it is like my back and abs get tired of holding me up and pain ensues and then it resets with rest overnight...

At the minute I am suspecting I have disc trouble because it all comes on or improves depending on what I am doing. For example, when I sleep it gets better but it comes on again in the day. Coupled with my back problems I've read other similar stories with disc problems...

Naturally my big worry is a spine tumor or something but my legs work fine and I have no real weakness problems beyond the pins and needles I got in one arm but that has gone really. Does anyone have experiences like this with spine disc trouble. If the abs muscle pain stopped I could put up with the back pain but i feel it's all just getting worse. :mad: