View Full Version : Some reassurance please!

21-05-18, 17:32
Well I’ve been doing so well for the past year, I had sudden onset severe anxiety and depression back in 2015 which I believe was exacerbated by the menopause. Anyway after being treated with CBT, HRT and antidepressants I felt completely back to normal. I continue to take the meds and my symptoms up until now have been under control.

However my son has been having trouble with his ears for about 2 years now on and off, and eventually this culminated in him having a nasal endoscope which showed very enlarged adenoids that were blocking his ears and causing repeated infections and loss of hearing. He has now lost his sense of taste too and says he feels depressed and like he’s in a bubble.

The NHS said he would need the adenoids removed but the waiting list is so long that I’ve decided to take him privately instead. Phoned a private ENT consultant today who asked why he needed his adenoids removed as it was very uncommon for adults to grow adenoids so big that they obstruct the eustacian tubes. He said usually in those situations a biopsy is taken and sent for histology to rule out “anything nasty” Well the moment he said that all my anxiety come flooding back and I’ve felt so ill all day and can’t relax. We have made an appt to see the private consultant next week for another nasal endoscopy to see what’s going on.

I can remember the first one last year, the NHS consultant said he could clearly see the adenoids and how they were blocking the tubes, and not to worry because there was nothing nasty there, no cancer or anything like that. Could he have missed something? Why didn’t he take a biopsy, if, as the private ENT said, this is standard practice in adults presenting with this condition?

Now I’m starting to panic because I’m adding up all his other symptoms; hearing loss, loss of taste, weird head sensations, lethargy, depression, and of course my mind is working overtime. I’m determined I’m not going to research this online because that’s how my last episode started and my CBT course taught me NEVER to look stuff up online.

Ant reassurance (although I know I shouldn’t really be seeking this) would be very gratefully relieved.

Thank you for reading my long-winded story.

21-05-18, 17:37
I’d be seeking reassurance too. I can understand how dreadfully worried you must be.

All I can say is that some doctors are brilliant but have no idea how to talk to people. And you’re going to have to assume that you spoke to one of those today.

Please keep us updated on your son, I’m sure the nhs consultant- who had actually seen a lot more than the private one had - knows what he’s talking about. X

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23-05-18, 12:28
Thank you Scass.

Update: NHS has cancelled my son’s audiology appointment for tomorrow and sent him a new one, for October!!! :mad: