View Full Version : Nervy sensations all over body + flu advice?

21-05-18, 20:42
Not outright freaking out yet, but because I'm always at the 'Concerned' stage for everything, I was wondering what anyone had some flu advice (just in case my main suspicion is correct)...

Usually when I've come down with the flu in the past, everything feels really annoying and sensitive - like there are nerve patches happening EVERYWHERE, especially when directly touching the skin. I'm also getting really annoying twitches at the moment - like a really fast pulse sensation in a few areas that only seem to last 1 or 2 seconds. And the back of my throat's been feeling gluggy.

The nervy feeling is worrying me, 'cause it seemed to come on pretty suddenly earlier today and has steadily worsened - and I swear I don't usually get this sensation until a flu has become quite noticeable. I don't know what else it could be but I'm trying to avoid Dr. Google 'cause he's actually the worst.

I really hope I'm not getting the flu, 'cause I don't really know what I'll do by myself - I'm living with my grandmother and while I also don't want her getting sick, she's not someone close enough to ask advice from, and I definitely wouldn't be able to ask for consolation if I start panicking about being sick. This'd be something I'll have to deal with quarantined in my room, while ringing my mum up all the time.

I'm terrified of getting a fever, 'cause I associate fevers with really scary and awful health issues... And I wouldn't know how to deal with them on my own or where to go if I couldn't book a doctor's appointment quick enough.

Heck, I was even curious about whether any ladies get nerve sensations with PMS symptoms, and whether this just might be a new one for me...

Thanks for reading...!

(Ahhh, sorry for always having long posts, ugh... T_T)

21-05-18, 22:25
Maybe it isn't the flu but a virus or something?

I had some kind of flu thing kick my whole set of symptoms off, but it wasn't the flu at all because I was tested.