View Full Version : Fear of Cancer

21-05-18, 21:03
Hello everybody

I am new to this website but I am hoping someone may be able to help me. I started with health anxiety over 20 years ago but over the last 4 years it is dramatically worse. I can spend hrs a week researching cancer symptoms checking my risk of developing cancer and constantly check my body check my urine and stools
I buy healthtesting kits from urine test to stool kits
I buy books on health and spend a fortune on herbal tablets and vitamins to stay healthy. My biggest fear is pancreatic cancer I research the illness and think about getting this disease every day . Im fat and am trying to loose weight and struggle as when I start to lose weight I panic and think that I have cancer.
This year I have had 5 attacks of bloating and pain in my back and ended up at hospital last night with severe chest pains . I went into melt down having blood test and was then discharged being told I was fine to get a phone call to say my liver function test was abnormal and was hysterical . My ALT levels are above normal at 250 Instead of 140 and now have to ha e another blood test tomorrow. I've been to my GP who thinks I'm worrying over nothing but I am so scared.

I'm sorry for the long winded post but if anyone can give me any advise I would be so grateful I feel I'm going out of mind eating living breathing thinking all the time there is something wrong

Thank you for taking the time to read my post

27-05-18, 21:17
I certainly can sympathize because i, too, am living with fear of cancer. It is all i think about when i get a little symptom of anything at all. A common cold will, in my mind, take me down a path to cancer. Hope your blood work turned out to be nothing. Please update and let us know.

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28-05-18, 07:36
I think you should have CBT sessions.They definitely helped me a lot.It is not an overnight progress.I had it twice.My second consultant was brilliant.He made me face my fears which doesn't sound scary but it was.But it helped me so so much.
And once you are on CBT then you can tackle you weight problem.You know that this is the main reason for your health issues.Good luck and stay strong!You are the only person who can change your life ��