View Full Version : 7 short high anxiety/ panic attack questions

panicy potato pasta
21-05-18, 22:37
when your having high anxiety, do these things also happen to you?

1.the lighting in the room seems to change to a yellowish tint.
2.everything seems to get louder.
3.feel like you have forgot how to type and make nearly content typo's.
4.the feeling that someone is next to you but know one is there.
5.think you are hallucinating. (hasn't happened to me in years)
6. not feeling yourself the day after en attack, feel like you can get an attack easier, or feel more relaxed the next day.
7. get a weird twitch in a random part of your body after calming from anxiety (upper part of my arm was twitching like mad for about a minute while i was typing this out)

hope i get more then one person responding...

panicy potato pasta
22-05-18, 03:05
another one is, not clearly remembering the events that went on threw the day

22-05-18, 15:39
I get number 2 and 6. I feel overstimulated but at the same time like I'm distancing myself from reality, from myself. The twitching is muscle tension. I'm unsure about the hallucinating, could you be more clear on what you experiencing? Are they visual or auditory or both?

panicy potato pasta
22-05-18, 19:32
I get number 2 and 6. I feel overstimulated but at the same time like I'm distancing myself from reality, from myself. The twitching is muscle tension. I'm unsure about the hallucinating, could you be more clear on what you experiencing? Are they visual or auditory or both?

i dont remember, all i remember is telling mom that i was seeing things that aren't there. i cant remember my attacks well. anxiety really messes up my memory.
its been years sense that happened as well, and i think it was only twice.

22-05-18, 20:50
I’ve not had 4 or 5 I don’t think, but the others are familiar.

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22-05-18, 21:07
Perhaps it would be a good idea to have an MRI scan? Just to make sure it's nothing physical. In addition, I'd speak to a doctor and see what they think? My knowledge of anxiety is that it doesn't cause hallucinations...

23-05-18, 13:12
Not had any hallucinations from panic symptoms. Had another attack this morning and it's the same as the other three incidents in the last three weeks. Everything is fine and dandy if I'm able to remove myself from the setting. If not:

1. Start to feel pins and needles in legs and lips, followed by arms
2. Start to feel pressure on my chest
3. Start to lose mobility of my hands/fingers and feel weak all over
4. Start to slur my words (and today started to get lower-eyelid twitch