View Full Version : Life update positive

22-05-18, 16:27
Hi guys!

So yesterday I had to go to my gp to just chat about a few things. While there I got her to check out my neck because of the worries I had. She said she couldn't feel anything and I actually believed her! The last year has been total hell with health anxiety and a lot of other issues I've never posted about on her but I feel like there's a change coming! A good one.

While I've had some health issues come to light thankful it was never as serious as I worried! But my mind did always come up with the worst outcome.

I had a amazing weekend away. I may feel a little more tried than normal but the weather has been so amazing home and away its propbaly just my body lazing around in the sun!

This website has been both amazing and a curse to me. Like it's supported me in the bad times but with issues (my own fault a lot of the time) I started worrying about issues I never even knew about from reading other people's posts such as skin cancer and lymphoma. Yet I can't talk anyone enough for they support they have given me.

So with that I've decided to take a step back from this and really try to support myself. I'm still going to theapry and I'm hoping things will get better again!

I hope you all find true peace and happiness in your life and that you someday known peace.

And hopefully you won't see me around here posting again! :roflmao: :hugs: :D

22-05-18, 17:18
I agree, this forum is so helpful at times, but I do get to the point that I start obsessing on it. I do get triggered by others posts, and it keeps my HA in the forefront of my mind. I might need to step back for awhile too, as I think I've turned this forum into a compulsion. I have been medically checked out and seems like I'm fine.

22-05-18, 17:45
It's funny I just read this post cause i was just about to search for something on it and I said to myself to stop. I have searched so many times and finish up being more scared than ever. Thinking oh no, that symptom could actually be a sign of something I never even imagined, and then I can't get it out of my head.
I've had a pain in my right side under my ribs for the past week and of course it's turning into the big c in my head. And I know if I search for it I'll find awful things.
I truely hope you find the peace you are looking for. You definitely seem to be on the right track anyway!!!

22-05-18, 21:00

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