View Full Version : Still worrying... stomach cancer fear for over 16 months

22-05-18, 20:10
Hi everyone!

It has been a long time since I have posted anything. My anxiety is still just as high, which goes to prove that tests do not help with health anxiety. I have been having daily stomach issues (reflux, belching, chronic nausea, IBS symptoms, heartburn) for over 16 months now. The PPI medication I am on reduces the acid but that's about it. I have a beautiful 6 month old baby that I am worried about dying on.

Since the stomach cancer worry started, I have had multiple ultrasounds, 3 endoscopes with biopsies, a CT scan of my abdomen and a barium swallow. None of them have shown anything wrong with my stomach (not even any inflammation). For some reason, I just can't shake the possibility of stomach cancer. I do not have any of the "red flags' like unexplained weight loss, persistent vomiting, severe night time symptoms etc.

One of the issues I am struggling most with is an enlarged lymph node the radiologist found during an ultrasound. I had elevated liver enzymes so I had three tests over a month and a half period. The first test the beginning of January (ultrasound) showed everything as normal (no mention of a lymph node), the second one showed an enlarged lymph node near my liver (but radiologist commented as 'normal appearing') and then I had CT scan and the radiologist wasn't specifically looking at it, but in the report stated there were no abnormal lymph nodes. When the doctor told me about the 1.2 cm lymph node near my liver (with elevated liver enzymes and near my stomach), I absolutely panicked. I have not been able to get the one test out of my head. I keep thinking the first ultrasound missed it, the second one was misdiagnosed as benign and the CT scan wasn't specifically looking at my liver, so it missed it. My doctor refuses to send me for another ultrasound and I understand. There is no point in getting any tests for me.

This is impacting my daily functioning. I have a counsellor, psychologist and psychiatrist as well as medication and it doesn't even touch this anxiety. The problem is, I doubt every test possible. As soon as I get home from a test, I google the accuracy and read stories of people getting tests that are 'normal' when they actually have cancer and I convince myself that must be the same for me.

How do I break this fear of stomach cancer? Any suggestions appreciated.

22-05-18, 20:46
I’m sorry that you’re having such a rough time. Especially hard being a new Mum too.

I don’t think you need to break your fear of stomach cancer because then it’ll be something else. You need to find a way to deal with your anxiety, because you don’t believe any of the results of these tests, and that’s your problem.

Do you take any medication for your stomach complaints?

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23-05-18, 22:16
From your nickname I presume you are 28 (born in 1989). Therefore, you have nothing to worry about. Stomach cancer is old people's disease, onset in people younger than 30 is practically considered a medical miracle.

24-05-18, 00:45
If you've had it for 16 months then it's not stomach cancer as you'd be dead by now, so you can stop worrying about that.

Sounds like you're anxiety may be related to post natal depression, which can present up to year after a baby is born. You need to get this under control otherwise your baby will become anxious as well.

24-05-18, 01:48
If you've had it for 16 months then it's not stomach cancer as you'd be dead by now

Exactly! Think of all that time wasted worrying! :lac:

Positive thoughts

24-05-18, 08:39
I think you need to focus on the fact that you believe you have had stomach cancer for 16 months yet have no red flag symptoms nor are you desperately ill.

Also I have never heard of a counsellor, psychiatrist or psychologist being involved solely in the treatment of advanced stomach cancer.